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324+ Works 2,537 Members 18 Reviews

About the Author


Works by Mad Magazine

Mad About the Sixties: The Best of the Decade (1995) 222 copies, 2 reviews
Mad About the Fifties (1997) 137 copies
The MAD Reader (1954) 121 copies, 2 reviews
The Mad Bathroom Companion: The Mother Load (2004) 107 copies, 1 review
Raving Mad (1968) 59 copies
The Recycled Mad (1972) 36 copies
The Pocket Mad (1974) 33 copies
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mad (1975) 31 copies
Mad About Comic Strips (2003) 31 copies
Mad About the Buoy (1980) 30 copies, 1 review
Mad Overboard (1978) 23 copies, 1 review
Steaming Mad (1975) 23 copies
Mad Duds (1987) 18 copies
The Mad Bathroom Companion (2000) 18 copies
The MAD Archives Vol. 3 (2012) 17 copies
Mad About TV (1999) 16 copies
The Endangered Mad (1984) 16 copies
The MAD Archives Vol. 4 (2012) 15 copies
Mad Clowns Around (1900) 15 copies
The Mad War on Bush (2007) 15 copies
MAD About Dad (2004) 15 copies
Mad for Kicks (1980) 15 copies
A Mad Scramble (1977) 14 copies
Mad Treasure Chest (1978) 14 copies
Mad for Keeps (1958) 12 copies, 1 review
Ages of Mad (1990) 11 copies
The Plaid Mad (1985) 11 copies
The Spare Mad (1988) 11 copies
The Weather Mad (1990) 11 copies
Monster Mad (1985) 10 copies
The Aimless MAD (1990) 10 copies
The MAD Archives Vol. 2 (2012) 9 copies
Mad Blasts (1988) 9 copies
Mad in the Box (1989) 9 copies
The Mad Gross Book (2000) 9 copies
Til Mad Do US Part (1987) 8 copies
Mad Horses Around (1981) 8 copies
Mad Cooler (1988) 8 copies
Big Hairy Mad (1991) 8 copies
The Qwerty Mad (Mad #71) (1991) 8 copies
Bristling Mad (1993) 7 copies
Swing Along With Mad (1991) 7 copies
Son of Mad Sucks (1985) 7 copies
A Golden Trashery Of Mad (1960) 7 copies
MAD Poster Book (2008) 7 copies
Mad-Capades (1992) 7 copies
Mad Jackpot (1989) 7 copies
The Porpoise-Ful Mad (1991) 7 copies
Mad Forever (1959) 6 copies, 1 review
Insanely Awesome MAD (2011) 6 copies
Explosive Mad: Mad No. 60 (1982) 6 copies
Soaring Mad (1989) 6 copies
Unstoppable Mad (1992) 6 copies
Extremely Moronic MAD (2012) 6 copies
Wet and Wisdom of Mad (1987) 6 copies
Mad Volume 1 No 1 6 (1986) 5 copies
EPIC MAD (2012) 4 copies
Totally Useless MAD (2013) 4 copies
Mad Takes the Cake (1992) 4 copies
Mad Magazine #496 (2008) 3 copies
MAD About Superheroes (2011) 3 copies
Amazingly Stupid MAD (2012) 3 copies
Mad Magazine #440 (2004) 3 copies
Disturbingly Awful MAD (2013) 2 copies
Intensely Dumb Mad (2013) 2 copies
Mad #408 August 200 (2001) 1 copy
Mad XL #32 March 2005 (2005) 1 copy
Mad Magazine June 1970 (1970) 1 copy
Dirty Old Mad (1978) 1 copy
Tales From The Crypt (1965) 1 copy
Praise J.C.! 1 copy
L. B. 1 copy
Scary scary 1 copy

Associated Works

Mad's Don Martin Steps Further Out (1975) — Author, some editions; some editions — 51 copies, 1 review


1950s (23) 1960s (23) 1970s (17) 1980s (15) 1990s (15) 1st (25) 2000s (14) cartoons (90) Collected issues (Co) (32) comedy (20) comic (45) comic book (15) comic books (23) comic strips (13) comics (210) EC Comics (21) fiction (68) format:MM (12) graphic novel (24) graphic novels (17) humor (446) illustrated (15) illustration (12) mad (194) Mad Magazine (101) magazine (16) magazines (17) own (18) paperback (20) parody (19) PB (24) pen and ink (15) pop culture (13) read (30) satire (75) stories (26) Terror and occult (Co) (23) to-read (39) U Humor (44) U02 Comic strips (44)

Common Knowledge

Other names
The usual gang of idiots.
Country (for map)



coffeechic | 1 other review | May 31, 2023 |
All my favorite cartoonists--Don Martin, Sergio Aragones, Dave Berg--taking on weddings, leisure time, permissiveness, television, poetry, poverty, and DYI.

Though this was published originally in 1972 it is as relevant today as it was 50 years ago. What these cartoonists were saying then are still being said today. I have always loved MAD Magazine. It is truly timeless as are their paperbacks. Classics never go out of style.
Sheila1957 | Aug 11, 2021 |
A very big collection of MAD magazine. I liked it, but I did not love it. Mostly I thought it had a bit too much filler here and there, especially on the movie parodies. MAD is known for those film and tv show parodies, but I don't really care for most of them (there are one or two I have liked, but overall, I am pretty indiffirent). I do like more their short pieces by Don Martin, the Spy-vs-Spy, Al Jaffee, so on. So, not a bad collection if you are looking for a little humor and a smile. This book definitely lends itself to browsing rather than reading it on one sitting. It certainly makes a good bathroom reading book, and I do mean that in a good way.… (more)
bloodravenlib | Aug 17, 2020 |
Early to mid-1970s mix of bits culled from MAD Magazine. The usual hit-or-miss mixture, with quite a few bits on drugs and hippie culture.
EricCostello | Jul 28, 2020 |


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