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Rajiv Malhotra

Author of Being Different

15 Works 202 Members 3 Reviews

Works by Rajiv Malhotra


Common Knowledge



Book Title: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Power
Author: Rajiv Malhotra
Format: Kindle

About the book:
This book, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Power, by the internationally acclaimed author, Rajiv Malhotra, is about the importance and effects of artificial intelligence in India and its future as a nation. Rajiv Malhotra has interesting insights as a person who has studied computer science and done extensive research on India's history. It makes important revelations on how the advent of artificial intelligence will alter every aspect of our lives, from an international, to national to a personal level.

My Thoughts:
According to the factual history and many sources from offline and online, since the first century BCE, humans have been intrigued by the possibility of creating machines that mimic the human brain. In modern times, the term artificial intelligence was coined in 1955 by John McCarthy. Today, the amount of data generated by humans and machines far outpaces humans' ability to absorb, interpret, and make complex decisions based on that data. Artificial intelligence forms the basis for all computer learning and is the future of all complex decision making.

AI is a computer science branch that deals with creating computers or machines as intelligent as human beings. It refers to the machines' ability to perform human intelligence processes like thinking, perceiving, learning, problem-solving and decision making. Thus in simple terms, Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence showed by machines.

In this book, the author explains the conflict between the actual being and the algorithms. He, however, tries to explain,' most of India's leaders, public intellectuals, media personalities, policymakers, think tanks and authors are "ignoring the dangers" that lie ahead, "living securely in their comfort zones with like-minded peers". This could potentially be very dangerous to the nation. This massive 520 pages book, divided into two parts, focused on how India is a battleground with technically sound intelligence being masked psychologically by ridiculing that every aspect being already explained in Yogic science or the Vedic science.

The topics discussed in the book may not please many people or the hard rooted believers, but the effect of AI in their lives is put away appallingly. Unfortunately, many elite people in power also mislead the public. There is so much we have to learn from fellow countries that are advanced in every aspect.


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BookReviewsCafe | Apr 27, 2023 |
Because of colonization, Indian culture has had an inferiority complex when presenting itself. Even now, when you read about Indian philosophy, Indian writers try to make it 'accessible' by continuously comparing it to Western ideas. This book is one of the first ones I've read that tries to de-colonize the reader's mind and present Indian thought as something to be evaluated on its own.

As an 'outsider' reading it, though, it feels like it pushes back the other way too much and tries to argue why Indian culture is much better than Western culture, rather than just being, well...different.… (more)
nimishg | 1 other review | Apr 12, 2023 |
Heavy but very interesting read, I especially enjoyed reading his differentiation on gandhi the man and gandhism..
rrkreads | 1 other review | Jun 15, 2020 |



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