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M K Mancos

Author of Scythe

8+ Works 16 Members 3 Reviews

Works by M K Mancos

Scythe (2010) 6 copies, 1 review
Immorati (2010) 3 copies, 1 review
Tickle My Fantasy (2009) 2 copies
By a Silken Thread (2009) 1 copy (2009) 1 copy

Associated Works

Hexes and Ohs (2023) — Contributor — 2 copies


Common Knowledge



I can't quite put my finger on why Immorati as a whole didn't work for me. Individually, the components of the story worked quite well. I enjoyed the mythos behind both the Immorati race and the Corpesetti legends were also intriguing. I loved the fact that it was set in the Pine Barrens/Pine Haven NJ (which is close to where I live) and that so much of what I remember hearing, as far as legends of the Jersey Devil, were in the story. I thought Aiden and Edie made a really engaging couple. What worked less for me was the coincidental nature of the plot.

The romance between Edie and Aiden felt contrived half of the time. Their chemistry also felt all over the map, as if the author had trouble pinning down exactly what it was about them that clicked so much. Aiden as an individual fared better--he was a strong capable leader (though he had his own doubts), he was loyal and he cared about how other people felt. I genuinely enjoyed his scenes with Cletus or his brother Seth, I thought the three of them played off each other very well. Edie, in her anthropological mode, was fun and interesting. Perhaps because of her bloodline she never quite seemed thirty-five years old, but I think that was part of her charm for me.

I wish there could have been more time spent on Hedric and Nanine's romance. By necessity it was short--they were the catalyst for the story after all. However the Romeo and Juliet nature of the relationship appealed to me, I didn't feel as if we were given satisfactory details about their secret relationship.

This was an interesting idea that was handled badly in some places. I would definitely enjoy reading more about the Immorati and Pine Haven. After all, I have to agree with what Edie said close to the beginning, why would a race of Immortals choose New Jersey, of all places, to live?
… (more)
lexilewords | Dec 28, 2023 |
I'm a sucker for anything that involves Greek mythology. This story hit the spot.
sweetzombieducky | Nov 28, 2015 |
Samhain published books often have lots of sex, and sometimes not much in the story department. This was not the case.Keely is just your average, hardworking girl trying to go to school. She works too hard, studies too much, all in attempt to prove to her rich, smothering parents that she can make it on her own. Little does she know that powers bigger than her parents are also looking over her as well.The Office of Death and Dismemberment has decided Keely is their new recruit. What happens once Keely becomes the newest recruit sets the stage for a fun, action packed, lighthearted book. Her involvement with Josiah, the detective, is sweet, but very real. Some of the best scenes revolve around Keely, Josiah and his dog Pugsly.Sure there is sex in this book but more importantly, there is a great story as well.… (more)
Readingfanatic1 | Jul 21, 2010 |

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