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Bernard Mandelbaum (1922–2001)

Author of Choose Life

11 Works 68 Members 1 Review

About the Author

Bernard Mandelbaum, 1922 - 2001 Rabbi Bernard Mandelbaum was born in 1922 in Brooklyn, New York. He graduated from Columbia College in 1942 and went directly into the seminary. After being ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary, Mandelbaum held a variety of positions at the there, including show more Dean of Students, Provost and Professor of Midrash, or scriptural interpretation. In 1966, Mandelbaum became President of the seminary and was believed to be next in line for the chancellery, the position of which is considered to be the de facto leader of the Conservative movement, to which nearly two million American jews belong. Unfortunately for Mandelbaum he was ousted out of the position by his own successor for the presidency simply because Mandelbaum was considered to be too conservative. Mandelbaum left the seminary after that. He went on to hold the post of president of the American-Israeli Cultural Foundation, executive vice president of the Synagogue Council of America and created and led the Foundation for Future Generations, which supports Jewish education. Mandelbaum wrote several books, the most famous of which was a critical edition of the "Peskita deRav Kahana," a work of biblical interpretation that dates back to the fifth century. It was published by the seminary in 1962. Bernard Mandelbaum died on June 19, 2001 at a nursing home in Florida from a heart attack. He was 79. (Bowker Author Biography) show less

Works by Bernard Mandelbaum


Common Knowledge

Other names
Mandelbaum, Dov
Date of death



NO OF PAGES: 559 SUB CAT I: Midrash SUB CAT II: Hebrew SUB CAT III: DESCRIPTION: Pesikta de Rav Kahana is a central and classic text of talmudic-midrashic literature, and it is one of the oldest collections of Midrash that is available. The Pesikta provides midrashic interpretation on the Torah readings of all the major festivals. Moreover, it is unique in its presentation of midrashim for special Sabbaths such as those preceding and following Tisha B'Av. Because this collection of midrashim relates to the destruction and the redemption of Jerusalem, it can be said that Pesikta is one of the most "Israel focused" midrashic works. Its importance is demonstrated further, in that, second to the Palestinian Talmud, there is more Palestinian Aramaic in the Pesikta than in any other rabbinic text. Pesikta de Rav Kahana is according to an Oxford manuscript with variants from all known manuscripts and genizoth fragments and parallel passages with commentary and introduction.NOTES: Donated by Phil Person. SUBTITLE: According to an Oxford Manuscript… (more)
BeitHallel | Feb 18, 2011 |



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