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Jerry Mander (1936–2023)

Author of Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television

10+ Works 2,064 Members 14 Reviews 1 Favorited
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About the Author

A former celebrated advertising executive, Jerry Mander is founder and distinguished fellow of the International Forum on Globalization. The New York Times called him "The Patriarch of the Anti-Globalization movement." Other popular books of his include In the Absence of the Sacred, and The Case show more Against the Global Economy (with Edward Goldsmith). show less
Image credit: public domain

Works by Jerry Mander

Associated Works

Views from the South (2000) — Foreword — 37 copies
The Analog Sea Review: Number Two (2019) — Contributor — 19 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge

Legal name
Mander, Jerold Irwin
Date of death
New York, New York, USA




When I think of my favorite books, this book instantly comes to mind. It covers the main reasons why television is the main problem in our society and why it's elimination is essential to our survival. It is from the 90s so it deserves a revisit to see if things are still holding true, but this book resonated so well with me when I read it. It felt like the author was expressing the idea more thoughtfully than I could with my own words and reinforcing my ideas with new ideas. I highly recommend this book!

Edit to add... This book was published in 1978!
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sbep | 5 other reviews | Jun 29, 2022 |
As I've written elsewhere, probably in the Cognitive Dissidents Group, I put off reading this for 30 yrs. It came out in 1978 & I'd already stopped watching TV in 1969 or 1970 - one of the best decisions I ever made in my life, if I do say! Of course, saying that I "stopped watching TV" is, sadly, not as true as I'd like it to be given that there's usually a TV on in whatever laundromat I go to, in the bars I go to, etc.. There was even talk for a while of putting TVs on buses here in Pittsburgh. THANK GOODNESS THEY DIDN'T DO THAT!!

ANYWAY, I probably didn't read it when it came out b/c I'd already stopped watching TV long since & figured that I already knew most of Mander's arguments - having made them myself. AND I was right. Much of what Mander writes is what I'd already observed too.. BUT he articulates it so well, so thoroughly, that I'd recommend this bk to everyone as much as possible (w/o being a proselytizer, ie). I even loved this as much as I loved "The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia"! & that's saying alot!

During the mnths that I've been intermittently reading this, I've quoted from it extensively on various Cognitive Dissidents posts:

The 4th & 5th messages to the "Robopaths" topic:


The 5th, 6th, & 7th messages to the "Propaganda" topic:


PLUS, I'm working toward making a movie called "Robopaths" that I've been selecting Mander quotes for.

B/c of the space limitations of this review, I'll confine myself to just quoting 2 ending paragraphs here:

"Television technology is inherently antidemocratic. Because of its cost, the limited kind of information it can disseminate, the way it transforms the people who use it, and the fact that a few speak while millions absorb, television is suitable for use only by the most powerful corporate interests in the country. They inevitably use it to redesign human minds into a channeled, artificial, commercial form, that nicely fits the commercial environment. Television freewayizes, suburbanizes, and commoditizes human beings, who are then easier to control. Meanwhile, those who control television consolidate their power." - p349

"We believe ourselves to be living in a democracy because from time to time we get to vote on candidates for public office. Yet our vote for congressperson or president means very little in the light of our lack of power over technological inventions that affect the nature of our existence more than any individual leader has ever done. Without our gaining control over technology, all notions of democracy are a farce. If we cannot even think of abandoning a technology, or thinking of it, affect the ban, then we are trapped in a state of passivity and impotence hardly to be distinguished from living under a dictatorship. What is confusing is that our dictator is not a person. Though a handful of people most certainly benefit from and harness to their purposes these pervasive technologies, the true dictators are the technologies themselves." - p352
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tENTATIVELY | 5 other reviews | Apr 3, 2022 |
This book supplied a grounded set of reasons for my avoidance of television which had previously been based in gut feeling and some personal observations. Mander marshals the results of scientific studies along with his own observations to make his case.
stevepilsner | 5 other reviews | Jan 3, 2022 |
Written by a premier group of 21 thinkers from around the world, the second edition of Alternatives to Economic Globalization lays out democratic, ecologically sound, socially just alternatives to corporate globalization more fully, specifically, and thoughtfully than has ever been done before. Focusing on constructive, achievable goals, the authors present ten governing principles for establishing truly sustainable societies and describe alternatives to the World Bank, the IMF, and the WTO that would better serve the needs of the planet. They offer detailed proposals for protecting vital goods and services from corporate exploitation, limiting corporate privileges and power, rebuilding economies to make them more responsive to human needs, and more.
This revised and expanded edition features a new opening chapter on the global balance of power, a new section on the media and globalization, and a new final chapter on what ordinary citizens can do to fight the injustices of globalization. It also includes many new charts, sidebars, and other updated information.
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riselibrary_CSUC | 1 other review | Sep 23, 2020 |


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