Picture of author.

Eli Manning

Author of Family Huddle

1 Work 208 Members 4 Reviews

About the Author

Image credit: Eli Manning during pre-game warmups in 2009 by Flickr user Marianne O'Leary

Works by Eli Manning

Family Huddle (2009) 208 copies, 4 reviews


Common Knowledge



Okay, let's get the obvious right off the bat. It's not well written. It's long and wordy and you can't help but wonder, what's the point? And all of the football plays being thrown in there over and over again--we get it, it's written by football players.

But I remember seeing this book come through the library and I begged to have it. It's written by the Manning family! For those who know me, I freaking love Peyton Manning. Eli isn't terrible but he pales compare to Peyton. So I'm a sucker for this book....even if it less than great.… (more)
msgabbythelibrarian | 3 other reviews | Jun 11, 2023 |
This is a story of family, transitions, moving to new places and football. This story relives some of the happier memories of the Manning family and their beginnings before fame. It endures all the sickly sweetness of the ideal American Traditions- including chocolate chip cookies.
SalemDjembe | 3 other reviews | Sep 23, 2015 |
Where’s the story? I know it sounds strange, but I want to know. The only thing appealing about it could possibly be the noteworthy names. It takes more than three brothers playing football in Grandma’s front yard to make a great story. The illustrations didn’t add to the book either. They seemed dull and simplistic.

The one thing this story could offer would be the appeal to a struggling reader that is a fan of the Manning family. Students that are interested in football and the Manning family could find enough of a connection to enjoy the book.… (more)
ecugary | 3 other reviews | Dec 6, 2010 |
This is a fun picture book featuring the Manning family and, of course, football. Young Peyton, Eli, and older brother Cooper find time to play some backyard football between visits to their grandparents' homes in Mississippi. The football plays mentioned in the book are diagrammed on the end papers. This would be a great gift for Ole Miss, UT, Saints, Colts, or Giants fans of any age.
2 vote
cbl_tn | 3 other reviews | Dec 15, 2009 |

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