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Marilu Mann

Author of Changing Times

6 Works 48 Members 3 Reviews


Works by Marilu Mann

Changing Times (2008) 18 copies, 1 review
Needing Harte (1-800-DOM-help) (2010) 14 copies, 1 review
Changing Perspective (2009) 10 copies, 1 review
Changing Hearts (2009) 4 copies
Sex and Trouble (2010) 1 copy
Changing Focus (2010) 1 copy


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Mann, Marilu



Yikes, this one hit every gay cop cliche in the book and wasn't nearly as fun as the other M/M book in the series. Been there, done that, just a little too silly to be fun. Can't recommend this one.
gigi9988776 | Aug 25, 2014 |
I've worked with myself a lot to stop summarizing books in my reviews...but I feel that this one needs it.

Soo....let's start at the beginning:

Carly is an ER (trama) doctor who is kidnapped by two men one day at the end of her shift. She is tied up and hooded then taken to a secret location where she is to heal a man who had been shot (the hero, Tony). And goodness…if I’m ever kidnapped PU-LEASE let my kidnappers be as nice and as handsome as Carly’s.

For some strange reason she believes them when they say she will not be harmed and never goes to the police. She helps her “patient,” spends the night and is taken home the next day. Of course…she falls into “instalust” as soon as she sees Tony. *face palm*

Carly is contacted by Tony a week later to help him with another incident. Because you always get phone calls from hot guys who you operate on after being kidnapped but not harmed. Yet again no problem and no police! She goes to help him…goes out to lunch…and meets the evil bad guy.

Suddenly, she being stalked by the evil bad guy – Slade – so he can make the hero come fight him. Of course, this makes no sense to me…Tony only met Carly a week ago. Slade knows where Tony works and has shown up outside his business before. WHY is Carly now the stalkee? If she were a kid I’d call her a plot moppet. It made no sense to me that the bad guys would give a hot damn about a random side piece so quickly. Its certainly the reason the H/h end up together.

Got all that? Good!

Slade sends his bad guys to stalk Carly while orchestrating multiple deaths of humans in the community. Slade – it seems – wants to make shifters public knowledge and then to rule by fear. Still not seeming to be the smartest move ever*…but I’ll bite.

*I’d like to make a small aside: I’ve often read plots that revolve around the shifters desire to become “public knowledge” and I think it’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of. Unless the shifter population is both larger than the human population and significantly more powerful, the only thing that would happen when shifters become public is massive round ups, deaths, and scientific experiments. Anyone who believes differently is smoking dope.

So…sex, sex, sex. Info dumping. More sex. Lots of death of random people, lots of skimming on my part, and suddenly we’re at the climax (pun intended). The bad guys can’t figure out if people are alive or dead. The good guys can’t figure out if people are alive or dead. The good guys win…the bad guys loose…but manage to stay alive. (And the evil bad guy is the hero of the next book…WTF??! He’s killing innocent people left and right and is an ASSHOLE to boot but he gets an HEA? I won’t read any further.)

I had a major issue with one of the characters: Maggie. She was the Alpha Bitch of the bad guy shifters…but seemed to be crazy in her own right. For some strange reason she wants to kill any man who doesn’t want to have sex with her AND she also wants to kill the woman because the guy had sex with the woman… Yeah. Right. Why on earth would she care that much? She’s hot and felt really weird and unnecessary and like yet another example that a woman can’t be hot and powerful without being a crazy bitch. *sigh*

Annnnnnnd the end! Thank goodness. Meh.
… (more)
MrsJoseph | Mar 31, 2013 |
Too short to really be interesting, but it's well written and held my attention throughout. It's a snippet within an ongoing series that I haven't read, but a shifter comes for a job, smelling of the wrong kind of shifters. Owner is momentarily outraged, why are you here? Turns out it's all a big misunderstanding (and we are never told what's wrong about the other place, merely that they are bad) and then, not even 15 minutes later, the 2 guys are having quite hot sex. Then, after declaring himself a drifter and the non committed type, they more or less agree to sleep with each other every night after the first night... so hot but not internally consistent. Confidently written, and heaps better than more freebees out there, but I think people already committed to the series would get more out of this than I did.… (more)
amf0001 | Nov 15, 2010 |


½ 2.6