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Fosco Maraini (1912–2004)

Author of Meeting with Japan

44+ Works 697 Members 11 Reviews 2 Favorited

About the Author

Works by Fosco Maraini

Meeting with Japan (1958) 187 copies, 2 reviews
Secret Tibet (1952) — Author — 144 copies, 2 reviews
The Great Cities: Tokyo (1976) 65 copies, 1 review
Japan Patterns of Continuity (1971) — Author — 49 copies
Case, amori, universi (1999) 48 copies
Gnosi delle fànfole. Con CD Audio (1988) 31 copies, 1 review
Where Four World's Meet: Hindu Kush 1959 (1964) 23 copies, 1 review
The island of the fisherwomen (1962) — Author — 22 copies, 1 review
Jerusalem, rock of ages (1969) 21 copies
Giappone. Mandala (2006) 10 copies, 1 review
Gli ultimi pagani (1997) 8 copies
Pellegrino in Asia (2007) 3 copies
Il nuvolario (1995) 3 copies, 1 review
la ragazza con la treccia (1992) 2 copies
Die Göttin des Türkis : der Weg zum Cho Oyu (1988) — Introduction, bibliography and notes — 1 copy
Nippon 1 copy
Jerusalem Rock of Ages (1969) 1 copy
Der frühe Tag : Asienfotos (1992) — Photographer & Author — 1 copy

Associated Works

Storia segreta dei Mongoli (2000) — Introduction, some editions — 5 copies


Common Knowledge



Another great volume in the Time-Life Great Cities series. The great feature of these volumes is that they are authored by creative writers who have had a long and intimate knowledge and association with their subject matter. This volume is no exception, and describes the inner life and workings of the world's biggest urban conglomeration in an intimate, personal, often profoundly moving, and always perceptive manner, the whole work illuminated by the luminous language. Of course, coming from 1976, that description may not be recognizable today, but even so, it serves as a valuable marker of a stage in the city's development that, perhaps, many others in the developing world will find immediately relevant.… (more)
Dilip-Kumar | Jun 25, 2023 |
In July 1954 Italian photographer Fosco MARAINI travelled together with a small film crew to the small Japanese island of Hekura Hegura-jima (舳倉島). The island is famous for female pearl divers (ama divers).
The first colour picture section is focused mainly on the daily life on the island, with distant views and general impressions. But MARAINI comes closer and closer with his camera, documenting the work of the (usually topless) female pearl divers at, around and under the water.
petervanbeveren | Feb 22, 2022 |
Un'opera la cui anima è una lunga peregrinazione che tocca città e campagna, piccoli villaggi e grandi città, racconto di un viaggio nel quale si intrecciano politica, religione, arte a realizzare un vero e proprio affresco della società tradizionale giapponese.Maraini, dotato di squisita saggezza e sensibilità, raramente si lascia condizionare dagli stereotipi. Il suo desiderio di comprendere l'autentico carattere giapponese gli fa abbandonare i tipici atteggiamenti occidentali di "confronto-opposizione" con realtà altre. Sostenuto da una solida formazione antropologica, analizza gli eventi senza fornire personali giudizi di valore, ma puntando piuttosto l'attenzione allo sviluppo dei valori dell'etnia giapponese, al loro manifestarsi e al loro realizzarsi. Da leggere.… (more)
Kazegafukuhi | 1 other review | Aug 10, 2013 |


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Time-Life Books Corporate Author
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Harald Sund Photographer
Donald L. Philippi Contributor
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Giovanni Blumer Contributor
Lucia Eppelsheim Translator
Eric Mosbacher Translator
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Angélique Lévi Translator
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H.G. Preconi Translator


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