Picture of author.

Martial (040–104)

Author of Epigrams

210+ Works 1,826 Members 28 Reviews 11 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: From Wikipedia

Works by Martial

Epigrams (0103) 592 copies, 8 reviews
Martial's Epigrams: A Selection (2008) 86 copies, 3 reviews
Selected epigrams of Martial (1963) 81 copies, 7 reviews
I cento epigrammi proibiti (1992) 40 copies
Selections from Martial and Pliny the Younger (1942) — Writer — 10 copies
Epigrammen (1975) 8 copies
Verzamelde epigrammen (2019) 7 copies
Selected epigrams 5 copies, 1 review
Epigramas, T. 2 (1997) 5 copies
Epigramas selectos (1981) 4 copies
Epigrammen 4 copies
Epigramas II (2016) 3 copies
Gli Epigrammi di Marziale (2006) 3 copies
Epigram i urval 2 copies
Epigrammi. Vol. I (2000) 2 copies
Epigrammi. Vol. II (2000) 2 copies
Gli epigrammi 2 copies
Epigramas I (2008) 2 copies, 1 review
Selected epigrams (2014) 2 copies
Epigrammes (1934) 2 copies
Spotepigrammen (2009) 2 copies
Epigramas - Volume II (2000) 1 copy
Epigramas Vol.III (2001) 1 copy
Epigrammi 1 copy
Epigramme (1966) 1 copy
Epigramas II (2010) 1 copy, 1 review
Epigramas 1 copy
Epigramas (1999) 1 copy
Épigrammes — Author — 1 copy
Epigrams II 1 copy
Épigrammes (1989) 1 copy
Mottoes 1 copy
Letter to Juvenal (1985) 1 copy
Apophorètes 1 copy
Epigrammi 1 copy
Epigrams 1 copy
Loci selecti 1 copy
Ridere e deridere: 130 epigrammi (2004) 1 copy, 1 review
Epigrams 1 copy

Associated Works

Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama (1995) — Contributor, some editions — 953 copies, 7 reviews
World Poetry: An Anthology of Verse from Antiquity to Our Time (1998) — Contributor — 461 copies, 1 review
The Penguin Book of Homosexual Verse (1983) — Contributor — 243 copies, 3 reviews
The Columbia Anthology of Gay Literature (1998) — Contributor — 163 copies
The Norton Book of Friendship (1991) — Contributor — 99 copies
Roman Readings (1958) — Author — 68 copies
The Name of Love: Classic Gay Love Poems (1995) — Contributor — 51 copies
Komt een Griek bij de dokter humor in de oudheid (2007) — Contributor — 25 copies
The Ribald Reader: 2000 Years of Lusty Love and Laughter (1906) — Contributor — 19 copies, 2 reviews


Common Knowledge



A fresh rendering of Martial's witty and intriguing epigrams. This format makes one of the greatest Roman poets easily readable.
jwhenderson | 2 other reviews | Sep 23, 2024 |
I think this is the Doctor in Roman guise
Not Who or House to get a rise
But rather that kindliest of physician
Neither research nor clinician
To suss then, I mean Seuss.
MichaelDavidMullins | 7 other reviews | Oct 17, 2023 |
Martial VI.60
Laudat, amat, cantat nostros mea Roma libellos,
meque sinus omnes, me manus omnis habet.
Ecce rubet quidam, pallet, stupet, oscitat, odit.
Hoc volo: Nunc nobis carmina nostra placent.

Liber I, 33
Non amo te, Sabidi, nec possum dicere quare:
Hoc tantum possum dicere, non amo te.

quid mihi reddat ager quaeris, Line, Nomentanus?
hoc mihi reddit ager: te, Line, non video.

III.53 Ad Chloen, a qua abstinere se potuisse dicit.
Et vultu poteram tuo carere,
Et collo, manibusque cruribusque,
Et mammis, natibusque clunibusque:
Et, ne singula persequi laborem,
Tota te poteram, Chloë, carere.

VIII.69 In Vacerram, qui solos poetas mortuos laudabat
Miraris veteres, Vacerra, solos,
Nec laudas nisi mortuos poetas.
Ignoscas petimus, Vacerra: tanti
Non est, ut placeam tibi, perire.

VII, 29
Das Cattis, das Germanis, das, Caelia, Dacis:
Nec Cilicum spernis, Cappadocumque toros:
Et tibi de Pharia Memphiticus urbe fututor,
Navigat a rubris et niger Indus aquis:
Nec recutitorum fugis inguina Judaeorum,
Nec te Sarmatico transit Alanus equo.
Qua ratione facis, cum sis Romana puella,
Quod Romana tibi mentula nulla placit?
… (more)
olaf6 | Mar 19, 2022 |
You have to love martial; offering glimpses into daily life in ancient Rome with his witty, and often scathing and obscene epigrams.

I read the OWC edition translated by Dr. Gideon Nisbet which is immensely readable and entertaining.

The publishing team released a very informative & entertaining playlist of short interviews with him about his translation which serves as a great introduction to Martial's life & times which can be found here:

rel="nofollow" _target="_top">https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLY2GBapteg3nSigwX9KOzBb4YFYnGeYQ6

Here is a really beautiful epigram which shows a very different side of Martial which is, unfortunately, not included in this selection

—Book X, Epigram 47

A few of my favourites...

"...No puffery gets near my little books; my Muse doesn't swell and strut in the trailing robe of Tragedy. 'but that stuff gets all the applause, the awe, the worship.' I can't deny it: that stuff does get the applause. But my stuff gets read." - 4.49

"Antonius Primus is happy: he has tallies fifteen completed Olympiads in a life untroubled. He can look back at the days gone by, at the years he has banked; the waters of Lethe draw closer, but he does not fear them. None of his days fails to please, or is hard to bear, as he reviews it in memory; every last one is a pleasure to recall. The good man broadens himself the span of his years: to be able to enjoy the life you have spent, is to live it twice." - 10.23

"You wonder why Marius' ear smells bad. You're making it smell, Nestor: you keep talking shit into it." - 3.28

"Want to know how skinny your arse is, Sabellus? It's so skinny you can fuck people in the arse with it." 3.98

"When you step across the threshold of a marked-up cubicle, whether your hard-on's for a boy or a girl, you're never happy with doors and a curtain and a bolt; you demand greater secrecy. If there's the smallest crack you don't like the look of, or a tiny hole bored by a voyeur's pin, it's plastered over. No one is so fastidious or so anxious about appearances who just fucks arses or pussies, Cantharus." - 11.45
… (more)
EroticsOfThought | Feb 27, 2018 |



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