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C. K. Kelly Martin

Author of I Know It's Over

14 Works 639 Members 47 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: C. K. Kelly Martin

Works by C. K. Kelly Martin

I Know It's Over (2008) 199 copies, 13 reviews
Yesterday (2012) 147 copies, 10 reviews
The Lighter Side of Life and Death (2010) 78 copies, 6 reviews
One Lonely Degree (2009) 73 copies, 4 reviews
My Beating Teenage Heart (2011) 69 copies, 6 reviews
Come See About Me (2012) 27 copies, 3 reviews
The Sweetest Thing You Can Sing (2014) 14 copies, 2 reviews
Tomorrow (Yesterday) (Volume 2) (2013) 11 copies, 2 reviews
Just Like You Said It Would Be (2017) 7 copies, 1 review
Delicate (2016) 6 copies
Stricken (2018) 4 copies


Common Knowledge



I love young adult books, even though I am way older than most of the characters I read about; I still feel as though I can relate to most of the characters in books.
I have never read anything by C.K. Kelly Martin and I Know It's Over was an amazing book to start off with.
I loved that it was told entirely from 16 year old Nicholas' point of view. Not to often do you find a book about teen pregnancy told from the "fathers" point of view.
I couldn't relate to Nick personally, but I knew how it felt to be a teen and pregnant so I could relate to that aspect of his life.
I don't like the way things were handled between Nick and Sasha. Her parents were a little stricter than I remember any of my friends' parents being, their rules for Sasha dating Nick made sense to an extent, but I feel that when there are a ton of rules placed on teens that the parents are just asking for trouble.
The ups and downs that Nick goes through while waiting for word as to what Sasha is going to do about the " thing" inside her, are really heart breaking. I love that he acted like I believe a normal teen boy would in a situation like that. He didn't shun her or make it all her fault like some teen boys are known to do.
Even though I was not please with what happened in the book, I did enjoy reading it. Nick is a very lovable character.
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chaoticmel | 12 other reviews | May 18, 2024 |
Really great realistic story with a Male POV for a change. I thought the Nick character was very realistic. I've read other books with a male POV and most of them come across as having very similiar thought processes as girls, which I don't think is true. This book you could tell it's the way a guy thinks.
It deals with a lot of heavy issues like sex, abortion, safe-sex, homo-sexuality, divorce, it's got it all...
The only thing I didn't like was the Sasha character. I found her to be very cold and undeserving of Nick's affections. It seemed as though Nick was agonizing over the decision more than she was... WTF?
I liked that the love story wasn't over the top, but Sasha just seemed really methodical and cold, not loving or worthy of love. But in a way I guess we rarely date the right type of person for us when we're in H.S., so it made sense that Nick fell for her. I was just hoping at some point he would tell her that if she was going to keep shutting him out for no reason she could go to hell, but that's just me. :)
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Michelle_PPDB | 12 other reviews | Mar 18, 2023 |
Full Review on my blog!

I started this book and wasn’t sure what to make of it at first. I found it slow and took a while to get into the story, at one point I did stop reading, and kinda didn't want to continue reading it.. but I’m glad I did finish it.

Just Like You Said It Would Be, tells the story of Amira that lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, but is sent to Dublin to spend the summer with family while her parents are on vacation trying to mend their marriage. Amira is soon introduced to Darragh, one of her cousin Zoey’s band mates, and I love/hate relationship quickly ensues. Regardless of the tension between them and attempts at only being friends, they soon find themselves confiding in one another, spending a lot of time together, and eventually they fall in love. They fall in love right at the end of summer, when Amira has to fly back home. But they reconnect, many months later when they both attend a wedding.

The story is beautifully written, and just so amazing. The chemistry between Amira and Darragh is sooo goood :3

I highly recommend reading it!

*a copy was provided by the Author, through Xpresso Book Tours*

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AnaCarter | Feb 14, 2023 |
Dystopian, time travel, NetGalley, secrets, romance

Freya Kallas: 16 years old, father is dead, moved to Canada, feels like she’s in a fog.
Garren Lowe: 18 years old who doesn’t remember Freya even though she insists he should.

I’m not sure if this book is wanted to be a time travel, dystopian, or flashback book. I keep waiting for Freya to figure out she’s in a really alternate reality program rather than really back in the 80’s. There is a lot of information dump as one reviewer said. The ending is not a cliff hanger but there is more to come. (Sequel: Tomorrow according to her website.) The ending did seem kind of – wow what?

This is Ms. Martin’s first book I’ve read, but I have two of her contemporary books in my library. I’m not planning on buying this one – quite a few of my dystopian readers have graduated, and I would only buy it for them if I needed even more of this type of book.
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readingbeader | 9 other reviews | Oct 29, 2020 |



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