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Nathaniel Marunas

Author of Manga Claus: The Blade of Kringle

3 Works 76 Members 9 Reviews

Works by Nathaniel Marunas


Common Knowledge




Just plain silly.
aratiel | 8 other reviews | Sep 5, 2018 |
In this extremely cute graphic novel Fritz the elf tries to get Santa to give him a promotion. Santa refuses and Fritz tries to prove his worth by casting a spell on a nutcracker to destroy the North Pole compound. Of course the spell grows out of control and infects the teddy bears creating tons of ninja teddy bears. The evil ninja teddy bears are the cutest villains ever and I hope some marketing genius somewhere turns them into a toy. Santa's cuss words are also extremely humorous. The only flaw is that the ending came a little too abruptly with no consequences for Fritz's actions. Although this is a book for children, older readers will enjoy it simply for it's silliness.… (more)
Rosa.Mill | 8 other reviews | Nov 21, 2015 |
In this extremely cute graphic novel Fritz the elf tries to get Santa to give him a promotion. Santa refuses and Fritz tries to prove his worth by casting a spell on a nutcracker to destroy the North Pole compound. Of course the spell grows out of control and infects the teddy bears creating tons of ninja teddy bears. The evil ninja teddy bears are the cutest villains ever and I hope some marketing genius somewhere turns them into a toy. Santa's cuss words are also extremely humorous. The only flaw is that the ending came a little too abruptly with no consequences for Fritz's actions. Although this is a book for children, older readers will enjoy it simply for it's silliness.… (more)
Rosa.Mill | 8 other reviews | Nov 21, 2015 |
In this extremely cute graphic novel Fritz the elf tries to get Santa to give him a promotion. Santa refuses and Fritz tries to prove his worth by casting a spell on a nutcracker to destroy the North Pole compound. Of course the spell grows out of control and infects the teddy bears creating tons of ninja teddy bears. The evil ninja teddy bears are the cutest villains ever and I hope some marketing genius somewhere turns them into a toy. Santa's cuss words are also extremely humorous. The only flaw is that the ending came a little too abruptly with no consequences for Fritz's actions. Although this is a book for children, older readers will enjoy it simply for it's silliness.… (more)
Rosa.Mill | 8 other reviews | Nov 21, 2015 |




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