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9 Works 125 Members 4 Reviews

About the Author

Keith McCloskey: grew up in Africa and has lives and worked in Edinburgh, the Middle East, Africa and Argentina. Among numerous other interests, including history and travel, he also has a passion for long-standing mysteries. His previous books for The History Press include Mountain of the Dead, show more Airwork, Glasgow's Airports and Edinburgh Airport. show less

Works by Keith McCloskey


Common Knowledge




I first heard about Dyatlov Pass incident from a podcast (probably My Favorite Murder) a few years ago, but this book went into way more detail. I appreciated that the author didn't "solve" or give a definitive answer to the what caused the incident, instead presenting the various theories as well as a lot of detail about how the bodies were found. Personally, the most reasonable explanation to me is that the skiers saw something they shouldn't have and there is some sort of military or government cover up. My one issue with the book is the complete printing of a Russian man's experience with some supernatural lights in 2002 that he thinks is related to the incident from the late 1950s - it took up way too much of the book in comparison to the other theories.… (more)
Bodagirl | 2 other reviews | Jul 27, 2022 |
Overall, fairly interesting and a good description with background of what this business was all about. Even-minded writing that avoids flights into fantasy. However, there are some VERY long segments that are beyond tangential - to the point where they seem less like relevant data and more like page-fillers. Learned a bit, though, and glad to have read it.
Ruskoley | Feb 14, 2021 |
It was ok because the subject is of interest. Some of the more outlandish conspiracy theories are amusing. However, I'm sure you could throw up more (and better written) on a cursory internet search. I wish I'd realised this.
nick4998 | 2 other reviews | Oct 31, 2020 |
The Dyatlov Pass Incident happened in February, 1959, in what was then the Soviet Union. Nine university students set out for a ski tourism trip and never returned. Their frozen, and in at least three cases seriously injured bodies, were found weeks later. Their tent was cut open from the inside. What could have cause these nine to flee out into the subfreezing Siberian night without shoes or clothes? The Soviet officials ruled the cause of death "an elemental force," and closed the area to tourism for three years.

Since then, many theories have surfaced regarding the nature of that "elemental force." Some have suggested natural events, such as an avalanche or bear attack, other suggest a military related accident, while still others suggest a more paranormal explanation, including the UFO's or yeti attack.

Keith McCloskey's carefully researched book describes the skiers, and their background. In several short background chapters, he describes what life was like in the Post-Stalin Soviet Union, as well as the state of world affairs. He then describes the search for the skiers, the autopsy findings and the official verdict given by Soviet officials. The most interesting part of the book describes and to a degree debunks some of the theories around the incident, including the possibility of a missile strike, an attack by either U.S. or Soviet Special Forces, attack by escaped Gulag prisoners or the possibility that a member of the group was a spy. He also covers theories of a more supernatural nature, including the possibility of UFOs (a theory believed by the head police official until his death), a yeti attack or Siberian Trolls. Probably the most fascinating chapter describes Yury Yakimov's eerie experience with what he calls a "light set," Yakimov's research into others who have witnessed these lights and is eventual reconstruction of what happened, that cold winter night high in the Ural Mountains. All of this is backed up with extensive analysis, English and Russian sources and several appendices of additional information.

While this will not be the last word on the fate of the Dyatlov Pass skiers, it certainly makes compelling reading. If you have an interest in life in Cold War Russia, winter sports or the paranormal, this is a fascinating look at an incident that will have people debating for years to come.

Julie K. / Marathon County Public Library
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mcpl.wausau | 2 other reviews | Sep 25, 2017 |


½ 3.3

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