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David McKee (1)Reviews

Author of Elmer

For other authors named David McKee, see the disambiguation page.

161+ Works 8,357 Members 142 Reviews 1 Favorited


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Independent Reading level: ages 4-8
Booktrust Early Years Award: Baby Book Award 2007
Hteal | 1 other review | Oct 24, 2024 |
Cute pourquoi tale. Of course it makes no sense, but it's clever. I like the "over the mountain" "tried office work but wearing a bowler hat made him feel silly" and "back over the mountain" pages best.
Cheryl_in_CC_NV | Oct 18, 2024 |
Independent Reading Level: K-2nd grade
Awards: Parents' Choice Award
Golden Duck Award
Mellon Picture Book Award
simmsall | 62 other reviews | Apr 24, 2024 |
Elmer the Elephant is going to be a favorite. I think. Or maybe that's just me ;)
msgabbythelibrarian | 1 other review | Jun 11, 2023 |
Sounds a bit like Pride celebration at the end.
uucmp | 62 other reviews | May 28, 2023 |
Grandfathers Fiction
Children's Stories In English, 1900-
Children's Stories Pictorial Works
Elmer (Fictitious Character : McKee) Fiction
English Fiction
Elephants Fiction
Elefantes Cuentos
Cuentos Câomicos
Children's Stories In English
Cuentos C Omicos
Identity Fiction
Elmer (Fictitious Character : McKee) Pictorial Works
Elmer (Fictitious Character) Pictorial Works
Children's Stories
Elephants Pictorial Works
kmgerbig | 62 other reviews | May 1, 2023 |
I've never read Elmer the Elephant before, he came out after I was of an age for them. This is a pair of stories, the first of which involves the elephants avoiding some elephant hunters, the second where a small elephant's teddy gets lost. The second story was easier, in that Elmer visits several animals and has basically the same conversation with each animal. Which made reading in a foreign language for the first time easier.
Google Translate gave a lot of support here, I read the page, translated what I could, interpolated the gaps and then checked what I thought was written through Translate. This was hard work, but it turns out that you can teach an old dog new tricks. I'm feeling very pleased with myself.
Helenliz | Oct 9, 2022 |
I adored this book growing up. I used to love colouring everything as patchwork to match Elmer. A real soft touching story.
Lynziington | 62 other reviews | Aug 4, 2022 |
sweet story of giving

The “youngster” elephants are happy to give all the presents to Papa Red. They help him fill his sleigh at night when the adults are sleeping. Papa Red will distribute them where the are needed most. Twist on the usual story. So nice!
WiseOwlFactory | 3 other reviews | Feb 20, 2022 |
The review originally published on The Children's Book and Media Review

It has been raining for days and Elmer, the patchwork elephant, is tired of being stuck inside a cave with the rest of his herd. Many animals suggest to him that he should come inside their caves because of the rain, but Elmer still wants to go for a walk. The jungle is partly flooded, but the crocodiles are excited to swim in new places and the ducks are enjoying the weather. Elmer learns that Young Elephant is missing, so he goes to rescue Young, who is stuck on an island. Elmer gets all of the other elephants to help rescue Young. When the elephants trap him on the island as a joke, Elmer is just happy to finally have some peace and quiet.

Although stories about Elmer the patchwork elephant have been around for decades and delighted readers of all ages, this one falls a bit flat. Elmer is kind to other animals during the story, but the joke played on him by the other elephants after he uses his time and ingenuity to help Young Elephant is mean and sad. Readers can learn to take things well when people do things that could hurt our feelings, but the issue of bullying is ignored because Elmer handles it so well. Long-time Elmer fans will probably still enjoy the book, but overall it is forgettable and doesn’t handle the issue of bullying well.
vivirielle | Aug 4, 2021 |
Cute, about how all the creatures are very different but love each other in spite of it.
Stacy_Krout | 1 other review | Jun 28, 2020 |
There is a big herd of elephants that come in all different shapes and sizes, but they were all the same color. That is, all of them but Elmer. Elmer was patchwork, made up of all different colors. He grows tired of being different, so one night, he sneaks away and walks through the jungle. He finds a large bush covered with berries, and he uses them to paint himself elephant colored like everyone else. He walks back to the herd, this time not recognized as anything but another elephant. When he gets back, something seems wrong, and Elmer gives a loud shout, startling all of the elephants. They all laugh and laugh when they realize it’s Elmer. Rain comes down and washes away the berry juice covering his patchwork. The herd of elephants decide that to commemorate what they thought was a funny joke that Elmer pulled. They decide they must celebrate Elmer’s Day on that day each year, where the herd will paint themselves all different colors and patterns and Elmer will paint himself elephant colored. This is a great story about self acceptance! Elmer feels like an outsider because he is different, but I love that none of the other elephants in the herd were bothered by it. They all loved Elmer for his bright colors, even if he didn’t, and even wanted to celebrate him for his differences! I think that that is an awesome message to share.
dperkins9 | 62 other reviews | Mar 26, 2020 |
Reprint. Orig. publ. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1968
ME_Dictionary | 62 other reviews | Mar 19, 2020 |
Quirky tale of a man who wants to find a suitable fancy dress outfit for a party. He enters a fancy dress shop and all sorts of strange adventures ensue.
jon1lambert | Nov 7, 2019 |
Alba26 | 62 other reviews | Aug 22, 2019 |
Elmer is not like the other elephants. He Is funny, and kind, and entertaining, but with his patchwork colors he is distinct. This has been a simple, but powerful book since 1968. Elmer is not unaware that he is different. The other elephants play his games and follow along with his jokes, but it isn't enough. Elmer thinks that his friends are laughing at him. In believing they are laughing at him because he is different, he goes so far as to try to cover up his unique colors and blend in with the crowd.

It is a simple story with enchanting illustrations and bold color choices, but there is so much more to the short story. Elmer goes far away trying to disguise what makes him unique and blend in. His colors don't stay hidden, but the way in which he reveals himself and all of his talents is with joy! The other elephants missed Elmer didn't know what to do without him. There are broad appeals to the idea that we are each unique, with talents to offer, and perhaps these things are readily apparent. Many students might understand how apart Elmer feels and appreciate the realization he comes to that the other elephants see his differences, appreciate them, and love him no matter what color he is.½
fsgiamba | 62 other reviews | Mar 9, 2019 |
This book is about Elmer the elephant who is not normal elephant color, as he is a patchwork of multiple bright colors. Elmer is great at making the other elephants laugh, but one day he decides that he is tired of being made fun of and colors himself elephant color just to find out that his elephant friends like him just the way he is.


David McKee's book delves into the topic of diversity, a discussion that is important to have with children from an early age. Even being a 50 year old picture book, the theme of fitting in remains a current topic in today's schools. Young students need to understand that it is acceptable to be different from their peers.

It is beneficial for students to recognize that Elmer feels sad about being different and not fitting in. Many students can relate to the way Elmer is feeling if they perceive themselves as different from their peers, especially if they are being picked on because of it. However, most of the time they may not realize that being different is a good quality. Just as Elmer comes back to see how much his friends miss him, children can feel more comfort in their unique traits.

Through this short picture book, young students can learn how to be proud of who they are, even if they are not like everyone else. This skill will benefit them throughout their years in school as they learn more about who they are as individuals. Therefore, I believe this book is an excellent addition to help students be proud of their diversity and show them that they do not always need to fit in.

Author: David McKee
Illustrator: Davis McKee
Copyright 1968
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, New York

This picture book is suitable for grades Pre-K - 2.
Genre: Elephants - Fiction
treed9 | 62 other reviews | Feb 13, 2019 |
McKee's comical fable about everyone’s favorite patchwork elephant teaches readers to be themselves and celebrates the power of laughter.
keiry.lopez | 62 other reviews | Nov 19, 2018 |
"Elmer" teaches students about inclusion and acceptance of everyone no matter how they look, which is an important lesson for young students. Elmer is a patchwork elephant who appears to be different from all the other elephants. When he tries to cover up his patches and look like all the other elephants, he is pleasantly surprised when he is reminded that all the other elephants love him just as he is. They find a way to celebrate Elmer and his beautiful patchwork self, but you will have to read the book yourself to find out how!
sdewitt | 62 other reviews | Nov 6, 2018 |
Elmer is about an elephant who didn't look the same as the other elephants in his community. He was not happy with the way he looked, so he set off to find something that could make him look normal. He found berries to cover his patchwork design. When Elmer returned, all the other elephants were being serious, so serious that it made Elmer want to scare them. The other elephants joined in laughing with Elmer, but wished he was there to share the laughter. At that moment, it started raining and Elmer's blue berry covering washed off. The other elephants thought Elmer was playing a joke, so the elephants decide to celebrate that day by painting themselves to look like Elmer, while Elmer paints himself in an elephant color.
This book is all about being unique. Children can read this book and see, through Elmer, that it is okay to be different, and that they should embrace their differences. Those differences are what makes us us, so there's no shame in them. We need to teach our students to be themselves no matter what, and I think Elmer does a fantastic job showing that.
katelyn_rhoads | 62 other reviews | Oct 30, 2018 |
This short and sweet story about the patchwork elephant was 'specially written and published for World Book Day 2015'.
jon1lambert | Oct 29, 2018 |
Elmer, the patchwork elephant, meets a group of unhappy elephants. They are cold. Elmer takes them for a walk to a place where the trees are different and they find the ground covered with . . . snow! The elephants, who have never seen snow, have a great time playing in the snow and sliding on the ice. But when Elmer disappears, what will the elephants do? Will they be able to find their missing friend?

Elmer’s adventure will delight young and old alike as he teaches his complaining friends a gentle lesson. Bright illustrations add to the pleasure.

Highly recommended.
jfe16 | 3 other reviews | Jan 18, 2018 |
Boek gaat over een olifant die eruit ziet als een lapjesdoek. Hij heeft verschillende kleurtjes. Op den duur vindt hij zijn kleuren niet meer leuk omdat hij denkt dat de andere olifanten hem uitlachen. Hij schildert zich grijs maar komt er achter dat dat eigenlijk ook niets is. Door de regen verdwijnt de grijze kleur en komen de kleurtjes weer tevoorschijn. Daarop wordt door Elmer en de andere olifanten bedacht dat ze ieder jaar op die dag vieren dat Elmer kleurtjes heeft en schilderen zij zich met allerlei kleuren en patronen en schildert Elmer zich grijs.
irmgardv.deutekom | 62 other reviews | Sep 11, 2017 |
Elmer isn't like the rest of the elephants, he's not grey like a normal elephant, he's a patchwork elephant. He is made up of many different colors like red, yellow, orange, pink, black, white and any other color you can think of. Elmer gets made fun of by the other "normal" elephants. But one day Elmer decides to run away and meet other animals. During his walk he found just what he wanted a giant tree full of elephant colored barriers. He quickly pulled all the berries down from the tree and rolled in them. After rolling in the berries he looked just like a "normal" elephant. The others didn't even recognize him, he fit right in. But suddenly it started to rain and everyone started to laugh again. The other elephants thought it was so funny what Elmer did that they decided to make this Elmer's day where they would all paint themselves bright colors just like Elmer. This is a very good fantasy book because it has a very good moral lesson to it. By talking about elephants and their differences it shows students what that might look like with their own peers. It shows them that making fun of someone isn't nice.
SabraR | 62 other reviews | Feb 27, 2017 |
Great book! The book portrays a simple, yet powerful message. The book is relatively easy to understand and is easy for children to relate to. This is a valuable book to read to children as they begin to learn about themselves and make new friends.
morgansmith32 | 62 other reviews | Nov 13, 2016 |
Showing 1-25 of 130