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Jean Meltzer

Author of The Matzah Ball

5 Works 642 Members 49 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Image credit: Photo credit: Lisa Damico

Works by Jean Meltzer

The Matzah Ball (2021) 392 copies, 30 reviews
Mr Perfect on Paper (2022) 110 copies, 9 reviews
Kissing Kosher (2023) 101 copies, 5 reviews
Magical Meet Cute (2024) 38 copies, 5 reviews
Åtta dagar med dig (2022) 1 copy


Common Knowledge



This was a fun holiday romance. Rachel has a secret. She’s the daughter of a well-known Rabbi and Jewish Community leader. She can’t hold down a traditional job because of her chronic fatigue syndrome. She’s managed to make a successful career as a romance novelist, but she can’t tell her family because she writes Christmas romances. When her publishers demand a Hanukkah romance this year she’s stumped.

Rachel’s nemesis from childhood summer camp is in town. His business is planning and staging major events, and he’s made a success of it. He’s going to put on a Hanukkah celebration in New York this year.

Yes, the childhood falling out is silly to be an issue for adults and yes there’s a lot of ridiculous things that happen but it’s a fun romance anyway.
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SuziQoregon | 29 other reviews | Dec 26, 2024 |
Fun, Informative Without Being Preachy - But *IS* Focused On Advocacy As Much As Romance. This is one of those books that works its advocacy into its story in a compelling way that doesn't come across as preachy at all - but *can* feel like a bit of a "Sponsored By" kind of a tale. The issues it discusses, including both chronic pain and medical (and even recreational) marijuana use are very real, and in these areas the book is quite informative indeed - hell, I openly admit I learned quite a bit more about marijuana from reading this book than I ever had in 40 yrs prior.

But that gets to a bit of a heart of the dilemma - I can now tell you as much about the intricacies of how marijuana actually works as I can about the specifics of this ostensibly enemies to lovers romance tale. I can tell you as much about how chronic pain can completely take over a person's life as I can about the actual character who has it and her budding relationship throughout this tale. Indeed, the actual "conflict" here is largely over just about 50% into the tale, with another blowup a bit later. But it is this section in between in particular where the book is at the height of its paid promotional ad feeling, without ever naming specific real world organizations. (This feeling isn't helped by the fact that several of these elements come back to bear in the wildly extended epilogue - a short (ish) stinger on the end of the story, this epilogue is not. Indeed, it reads and feels more like just another final chapter rather than a true epilogue.)

Overall, there is nothing technically wrong here, so no star deduction. And the tale itself, outside of the advocacy, really is sweet and charming and most everything anyone really wants in a romance with a few comedic moments. But the advocacy, while never actually preachy, is still such a prevalent force here that it does in fact take away from the ultimate feel of the romance. Still, quite entertaining and truly informative. Very much recommended.
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BookAnonJeff | 4 other reviews | Dec 23, 2024 |
Interesting Story Built Primarily Around Jewish Holidays With Epic Final Meeting. This was a genuinely interesting - if long (seriously, the same story could have been told with roughly half the length and worked just as well, maybe better) - story built around a Jewish tech magnate and a desperate ploy to use the Jewish High Holy Days ( Hanukah) as a way for a daytime TV show to save its ratings and thus the jobs of its staff. The comedy hits well, particularly in the initial appearance of the tech magnate on the TV show and on the first few dates (that all end in some form of disaster). The romance plods along a bit (this is where the shorter length proposed above could dramatically help), but the slow build works to get to a truly epic final meeting between the lead couple. Overall a solid story and well told, and gets some different ideas out to boot without being overly preachy about them. Very much recommended.… (more)
BookAnonJeff | 8 other reviews | Dec 23, 2024 |
I really loved this. I hadn't heard of the use of magic within a Jewish pantheon and I love it. Faye was mature and aware of how damaged she is, yet still finds ways to find peace and joy in her life. I understand why she was such a beacon for Greg (or Eric for that matter - too bad he missed the lesson she was). While some of Faye's choices are odd, Meltzer makes it clear why she makes them.

I also really appreciate that we get to see the struggle with amnesia through Gre4's eyes. I really enjoyed his journey, especially once he gets his memory back. I also loved the supportive people around Faye. I would totally read a spinoff series with Greg and Nelly as an investigative team.

This is Meltzer's strongest book yet and I am so glad she decided to dip into witchy romance!
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mktoronto | 4 other reviews | Dec 4, 2024 |



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