Author picture

Nilesh Mistry

Author of The Illustrated Book of Myths

2+ Works 405 Members 5 Reviews

Works by Nilesh Mistry

The Illustrated Book of Myths (1995) — Illustrator — 402 copies, 5 reviews
Märchen aus aller Welt (2006) 3 copies

Associated Works

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland [adapted - Oxford Bookworms] (1994) — Illustrator — 199 copies, 98 reviews
The Illustrated Book of Fairy Tales (1997) — Illustrator — 115 copies, 6 reviews
The Story of Divaali (2002) — Illustrator — 98 copies, 3 reviews
Turtle Bay (1997) — Illustrator — 82 copies, 4 reviews
Eyewitness Classics: Aladdin (1998) — Illustrator — 80 copies
The Seven Wise Princesses: A Medieval Persian Epic (2000) — Illustrator — 79 copies, 1 review
Fire and Wings: Dragon Tales from East and West (2002) — Illustrator — 34 copies
Prince of Fire: The Story of Diwali (2016) — Illustrator — 26 copies, 2 reviews
Myths and Fairy Tale Collection (1999) — Illustrator — 18 copies
Coming Home: A Story About Divali (2002) — Illustrator — 4 copies, 1 review
Hidden Flower (2004) — Illustrator — 2 copies


Common Knowledge



This book has had a lot of longevity in my life. I can't remember how old I was when I first picked it up, but even as an adult I still refer to it.

The book is essentially a survey of world myth divided by type or 'genre.' While not listed on the cover, it is a Dorling Kindersley book, same publisher as the "Eyewitness" books that were very popular when I was in grade school. Each section has a basic passage outlining the story or myth the page is about, with side bars and captions that include other stories or facts that relate to the myth and relevant culture, as well as pictures of artifacts and geographical things, etc. It's a good mix of fact and story. The coverage of each myth or legend is enough to get a general idea for the tale, and provides a great start for further investigation if one should prove to be of particular interest.

I would recommend this for any person interested in myths and legends, regardless of age, and would recommended it for libraries and classrooms for its longevity as a book of interest.
… (more)
WeeTurtle | 4 other reviews | Mar 2, 2019 |
Apresenta relatos fiéis ao espírito das lendas originais. Ilustrações coloridas evocam a atmosfera de cada mito, fazendo-o reviver. Fotografias e cores ilustram o cenário cultural das mitologias. Traz um 'quem é quem' de deuses e deusas, incluindo os panteões gregos e nórdicos
EduardoOliveira | 4 other reviews | May 24, 2012 |
A nice collection that includes many of the world's gods and goddesses This book tells tales and legends of ancient times and gives a unique insight into the cultural backgrounds of each. Colorful and detailed illustrations enhance the text. For kids 9 and up.
anacryan | 4 other reviews | Dec 5, 2011 |
Genre: Myths

This book is a good example of myths because each story is a type of traditional literature comprised of early folklore. These stories were created to explain the the world usually with heroes and supernatural beings. Some of these stories also explain natural phenomena and mystery. The point of view for the majority these stories is third-person limited because the reader experiences the thoughts and feelings of one character.

Level: Intermediate-Middle School
born1990 | 4 other reviews | Nov 2, 2010 |


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