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Sharon Moalem

Author of Survival of the Sickest

9+ Works 1,396 Members 38 Reviews 2 Favorited

About the Author

Works by Sharon Moalem

Associated Works

New Scientist, 30 May 2009 (2009) — Contributor — 1 copy
New Scientist, 17 February 2007 (2007) — Contributor — 1 copy


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Common Knowledge



Sci-fi, specifically tackling genetic engineering. Horror elements very gradually started being introduced, & picked up much more towards the end. Decent-sized cast of diverse characters that I think all fit well with the story. Rather enjoyable read.
brp6kk | Oct 29, 2024 |
Excellent book explaining genetics of males and females in easy-to-understand language. Fascinating read about how women have genetic superiority over men and have from the beginning of time. I wish this book would have included more about genetics influence social and behavioral aspects of sex in addition to the medical influences. Overall, well-written and a fascinating topic.
onemotherrunner | 2 other reviews | Jun 28, 2023 |
Survival of the Sickest explores the connections between evolution, disease, and current human health. This book is extremely interesting and engaging, despite the cheesey puns. However, I had hoped for more - more science/medical details, more examples of the evolution-disease-health connections. The book was too short and brief!
ElentarriLT | 24 other reviews | Mar 24, 2020 |
And here I was hoping it would be more like a guidebook. Author Sharon Moalem (who is a he, despite the name) has written what could be considered an update to Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask. There a lot more evolutionary psychology and biology than there was in EYAWTKASBWATA, though. Moalem isn’t presenting his own research, but reviewing studies from a lot of other authors. Full of interesting little results (the age of puberty in girls depends on the amount of hip fat; the first self-service items in American drug stores were menstrual pads (supposedly because women were too embarrassed to ask a male clerk for them, and then leading to a lot of other self-service items); there are at least 20 different theories attempting to explain female orgasm) but also more detailed discussions of things like intersex conditions. I noticed a couple of things that bear on previous reviews.

Potential evolutionary explanations for male homosexuality: It seems that one study showed female relatives of gay men had more offspring than average women. The authors suggests – not quite so bluntly – that there was a heritable factor that made carriers want to have lots of sex with men – regardless of the carrier’s gender. That could at least partially explain the evolutionary puzzle of homosexuality; there are enough females with the allele to overwhelm nonbreeding male carriers. Could be; other explanations possible.

Athletes with intersex conditions. Moalem lists a couple of examples:

Indian runner Santhi Soundarajan’s was disqualified in 2006 for having (according to anonymous rumor) “more Y chromosomes than allowed”. Moalem doesn’t have further details but notes that Soundarajan had passed many previous sex determination tests. He speculates that the previous tests were limited to physical genital inspection, and that Soundarajan has Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. An earlier (1985) case was Spanish hurdler Maria José Martinez-Patiño, who turned out to have Y chromosomes and AIS. Interestingly, it isn’t clear if AIS would necessarily give you an advantage in women’s athletic competitions; there’s enough variety in expression that AIS people range from externally indistinguishable from 46XX women to externally indistinguishable from 46XY men (despite all having 46XY karotypes).

In a chapter on The Pill, Moalem notes that it has an interesting effect on women’s odor preferences. Studies where women sniffed used men’s clothing (usually called “t-shirt” studies) found that women preferred the scent of men whose immune system genetics differed from their own (the evolutionary idea here being that women would seek mates in “outgroups” rather than among their own group, to avoid inbreeding). Women on The Pill, OTOH, preferred the scent of men with similar immune system profiles. The authors of this study suggested that being on The Pill is essentially fooling the body into thinking you’re pregnant. Women who aren’t pregnant therefore prefer “exotic” men, while pregnant women prefer “familiar” (and therefore presumably “safe” and “protective”) men. Could be, but a lot of evolutionary psychology excruciatingly difficult to prove conclusively. At any rate, I don’t think there’s been a tremendous increase in first cousin marriages since The Pill.

Not bad for a reasonably technical discussion of a lot of aspects of sex and gender. Interestingly, my copy was deacquisitioned by the Denver Public Library even though it was only three years old. Too controversial?
… (more)
setnahkt | 5 other reviews | Dec 11, 2017 |



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