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Works by Julia Moberg


Common Knowledge



The Presidential Pets is set up as a great way to learn fun facts about the various presidents in the white house. The book has each page dedicated for each president and the facts about pets and other wacky facts about them.
Machuca_jess | 6 other reviews | Nov 20, 2020 |
This book tells all about the actual, weird pets that the presidents have had in the Whitehouse. From alligators to bears, the Whitehouse has been home to many interesting animals.
cturner16 | 6 other reviews | Apr 10, 2018 |
Perfect read for the presidential year. Many different animals have lived in the White House, and not only dogs, cats and goldfish, but also elephants, horses, ponies, alligators, cows, bears, a foul-mouthed (or foul-beaked?) parrot, sheep, tigers, silkworm, and more. Each president is introduced with his pet or pets with a short poem, and then other interesting facts are provided about the pet, and the president's term.

I enjoyed the book, it is interesting and amusing. I would not recommend to read it from cover to cover in one seat, since it might weaken the effect, and become repetitive, but a couple of presidents a day sounds like a good approach. The illustrations are very humorous too. Great non-fiction option to get kids interested in social studies topics.

I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Sanlema | 6 other reviews | Apr 19, 2016 |
Presidential Pets: The Weird, Wacky, Little, Big, Scary, Strange Animals That Have Lived in the White House by Julia Moberg is such a delightful, informational book you just have to pick up! On each page there are many incredible fact tidbits that are about that certain president, weird oddities pertaining to him, and accomplishments and other facts you may not know. The book goes through all the presidents. I am a big history buff but I learned so much fun trivia from this book. It was a fun, and informative with lots of creative and imaginative drawings that make you smile. Just a real joy. I needed this! Knowledge, a snicker, and cartoons... and good fun read!!! Loved it, need more of these books. The way it is written, with funny poems mixed with silly facts and true facts, it is good for everyone. Pet lovers would love this book. The perfect gift for that person who has everything. I received this book from NetGalley for a honest review and it in no way effected my rating or review and boy am I glad I got it! Thanks NetGalley!!!… (more)
MontzaleeW | 6 other reviews | Apr 10, 2016 |


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