Author picture
65 Works 2,177 Members 11 Reviews

About the Author

Also includes: James W. Moore (1)

Works by James Wendell Moore

God Was Here and I Was Out to Lunch (2001) 72 copies, 2 reviews
When Grief Breaks Your Heart (1995) 68 copies, 1 review
Is There Life After Stress? (1992) 60 copies
Jesus' Parables of Grace (2004) 45 copies
The Cross Walk A Lenten Study for Adults (1999) 32 copies, 1 review
Jesus' Parables of Life (2005) 31 copies
Healing Where It Hurts (1993) 19 copies
Christmas Reflections (2001) 16 copies


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Moore, James Wendell



I've enjoyed several inspirational Christian books, but this one sticks with me more than most. The reading is quick and informative, and the stories are interesting and help illustrate the point being made. Thoroughly enjoyable and inspirational, a book I will return to again and again.
hobbitprincess | 1 other review | Jun 18, 2016 |
NCLA Review - People who think “accepting Christ,” showing up for church, and trying not to sin are all there is to being a Christian are missing out on the best part. James Moore sums that part up as “See yourself as God’s co-worker in the world.” The adventure of Christianity begins when you let God get fully involved in your life. Don’t hang back, keeping your arms at your sides, he suggests. Rather, be open to what God offers and calls you to do. Each chapter encourages the reader to “reach out and wrap your arms around--” (Jesus’ message, or the Spirit of compassion, for instance.) Moore begins with scripture and illustrates his points with lots of real life illustrations. A study guide is included with extensive questions for discussion or private reflection and suggested activities for a group or individual. It would be a good resource for a small group or adult class. Rating: 3 —DKW… (more)
ncla | Oct 7, 2011 |
Advent study for adults; 4 week study for a small group or an individual
StPaul43228 | Jul 25, 2011 |
NCLA Review -Needing the virtue of patience, I was at first disappointed that the book dealt with it only fleetingly. I needed to learn it right now! Patience is only one of the many godly virtues we all need to cultivate, however. Studying this book, I learned how to ask the Lord not only for patience, but for faith, life, hope, His love, grace, resurrection, a sense of urgency, childlikeness and childlike compassion. Each chapter deals with a different topic in a powerfully inspiring and helpful way. The chapter on love, for instance, taught me to let the love of God flow through me and out to others in a way I hadn’t quite seen before. A discussion guide for each chapter is included. This book would be useful for group study as well as for individual use. Rating: 4 —EB… (more)
ncla | May 17, 2011 |

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