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About the Author

Dick Morris was born on November 28, 1948. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Columbia University in 1967. He served as Bill Clinton's political consultant for twenty years. He is a regular political commentator on Fox News and other networks, writes a weekly column for the New York Post, show more and is president of Vote.com. He has written or co-written numerous books including Behind the Oval Office; Condi vs. Hillary: The Next Great Presidential Race; Rewriting History; Because He Could; Outrage; Fleeced; and Catastrophe. His title Here Come the Black Helicopters!: UN Global Governance, and The Loss of Freedom made The New York Times Best Seller List for 2012. His title, Armageddon: How Trump Can Beat Hillary made The New York Times Best Seller List for 2016. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Eye on Books

Works by Dick Morris

Catastrophe (2009) 241 copies, 5 reviews
Rewriting History (2004) 196 copies, 3 reviews
Because He Could (2004) 150 copies, 5 reviews
2010: Take Back America: A Battle Plan (2010) 56 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge



I didn't know this was a rebuttal to Hillary's book "Living History," which I hadn't read, so it was a waste of time for me. Also, Mr. Morris's mission to warn the public that Hillary will make a terrible president if elected is moot. She ran, she lost, she's retired—end of story.
PaulaGalvan | 2 other reviews | Jun 26, 2022 |
While you can't fault everything in the book, and while the author does criticize both major political parties to some extent, the clear purpose of the book, put out during the Presidential primary campaign season, was to swing voters to the authors conservative views. Like many in talk radio, he's got strong opinions as seen through his conservative perspective, and you'll hear his side of the argument as to how the NY Times is too liberal, how Iraq will become a terrorist haven and how the economy will collapse if Obama is elected, etc. Morris is a political consultant, who's worked for both parties as well as on foreign election campaigns, and he's currently is involved in conservative media activities. With the 2008 election concluded, there's not much purpose in telling the readers how the Country will suffer if Obama gets elected. It's over. The best use of this book now might be to re-read it four (or eight) years from now, and see how good (or bad) a prognosticator Morris was in his doom and gloom view of a possible Democratic Party victory.… (more)
rsutto22 | 3 other reviews | Jul 15, 2021 |
Generally I hate these kind of books and have to read one once in awhile to remind myself. I keep waiting for him to explain how the 2008 election of a possible democrat also caused the tsunami in 2011. Yeah it's one of those books. It even starts with a lost of vague "facts" at the start which almost made me wretch because most people probably believe them word for word.
ksmedberg | 3 other reviews | Aug 15, 2018 |
I finally got around to reading Bill Clinton's memoir MY LIFE. As you might expect it was too long, too wordy and too detailed. Since he wrote it it makes him look good, much of which isn't warranted. But there are enough interesting things to make it worth reading. But a caveat, one must read BECAUSE HE COULD by Dick Morris as a companion to Clinton's memoirs. Morris tells it like it was. When Clinton fails by omitting significant facts and details, Morris fills in. Morris calls him on many things. That is why I say you need to read them together. Morris' book is also an interesting read and necessary to keep the record honest.… (more)
SigmundFraud | 4 other reviews | Mar 5, 2017 |


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