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22+ Works 648 Members 3 Reviews

About the Author

Dr. Terry Mortenson is a speaker, writer, and researcher for Answers in Genesis. He joined AiG in 2001 after 26 years as a missionary with Campus Crusade for Christ, mostly in Eastern Europe. He has spoken on the creation-evolution issue in schools, universities and seminaries in 25 countries and show more has also had seven formal debates with evolutionary PhD scientists. He received a B.A. in mathematics from the University of Minnesota, a Masters of Divinity degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Chicago, and a Ph.D. in the history of geology from Coventry University in England. show less

Works by Terry Mortenson

Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth (2008) — Editor; Contributor — 317 copies, 1 review
A Pocket Guide to Best Evidences (2013) — Contributor — 116 copies
The Great Turning Point (2004) 60 copies
Origin of the Species: Was Darwin Right? (2006) 11 copies, 1 review
Noah's Flood 7 copies
Millions of Years 2 copies, 1 review

Associated Works


Common Knowledge



WBCLIB | Sep 6, 2023 |
An excellent resource to study the critical issue of Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth (the subtitle of the book). A group of 12 scholars, all except one with earned Ph. D.'s, provide a comprehensive survey of the critical issues that every informed Christian leader must make a decision on in regards to the place of and the appropriate ways to interpret Genesis. This is not a light book, one that can be assimilated quickly and the material is of primary importance in a day of skepticism about the role of the Bible and its place of authority in Bible-believing churches. The two editors have provided a huge service to the evangelical church in organizing this material for all students of the Bible.
Some, even many, of those who hold to other ideas about creation, such as progressive creationists, evolutionary creationists, theistic evolutionists and old-earth creationists, have never given serious study to this subject from the perspective of young earth creationists. They do themselves a favour by carefully studying this book. It is so easy to only deal with "strawman arguments" to dismiss positions that oppose your own. By reading this book, you will at least give some credibility to your own arguments for your own position. And, if you are brave enough, you might even present your own counter-arguments once you have understood what responsible young earth creationists actually teach.
If unity is to be had in the evangelical church, we must come to some understanding of one another, even if lock step agreement is not achieved. It is the truth that sets one free...and we recognize that the ultimate truth is, of course, the Son of God. This book, I believe upholds the Truth, by correcting false notions to arrive at better understanding of certain truths, found in and taught by the Scriptures.
… (more)
thedenathome | May 27, 2023 |

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