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Douglas Murray (1) (1979–)

Author of The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity

For other authors named Douglas Murray, see the disambiguation page.

9 Works 2,331 Members 62 Reviews

Works by Douglas Murray


Common Knowledge



Non-woke books! They are still out there! Well, I had to travel to Prague to come across it in a random bookstore. In Vienna you only get gay, queer, woke, gender, trans, and of course a lot of stuff fixated on nazis. Boring crap. Not so this one.

It's not as concise as Murray's speeches, but it's very well written up.
cwebb | 26 other reviews | Dec 19, 2024 |
As an “elderly” millennial and a parent - I was lucky enough to witness the changing landscape of technology and its direct consequences on subsequent generations ; However I still have hard time wrapping my head around what it means to be gender queer or gender fluid and the intersectionality of identity politics and gender ; needless to say things are only going to get trickier and the slope every more slippery which is what piqued my interest in this book .

Douglas Murray – right leaning conservative who for most part in his book oscillates between brilliant and prosaic. Some of the examples to counter feminism are just hyperbole (Nicki Minaj – Anaconda for one comes to my mind ) – is more of a distraction than actually rooted in logic , same goes for LGB arguments and how its politicized .Things start looking promising once we dwell into the T part and an open whole new can of worms .

I though the book could have been better, but it heightened my awareness towards trans and fault lines within the identity sub structures that encompasses these groups, asking some hard questions – What is the end game for Transsexualism? What does it mean to a trans feminist? How does race and gender intersect?
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Vik.Ram | 26 other reviews | Jun 16, 2024 |
A very well written book that clearly describes the cultural and political challenges that the west is undergoing and exposes the nature of the Marxist approach to deconstruct and the destruct all western institutions, beliefs, etc. the brief concluding chapter offers 2 ways forward to reverse the negative trend, of which only one preferred by the author, my view is unfortunately, the option that is to be avoided looks far more likely to be realised.
The 4 star rating was die to the brief and less than convincing conclusion, again a well written book describing the ills facing the west but very little on how to truly combat the threats faced.… (more)
Daniel_M_Oz | 11 other reviews | Mar 26, 2024 |
This is my second book by Douglas Murray, after [b:The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam|33584231|The Strange Death of Europe Immigration, Identity, Islam|Douglas Murray|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1497968929l/33584231._SY75_.jpg|54396772]. I first learned about him several years ago when he organized a poetry competition on the topic of Recep Tayyip Erdogan in response to the Böhmermann affair. He is very British in his defence of liberal values, free speech above all, with a great sense of humour, a true product of the British academia.

Again, I may not agree with everything he says, but I like books by provocative authors, as long as they make some sense. This was a thought-provoking and very on point book about the state of things in academia and the majority of media today.

Douglas Murray is not a typical conservative, he is gay and an atheist. That is why I was really interested in what he has to say on this topic. Some chapters were better ("Gay") than the others ("Race"). The thing I found lacking was that a lot of the argument was anecdotal and based on the black hole that is social media, esp. Twitter. The truth is, many leftist authors fall in the same trap.
I expected a deeper dig into the causes of the rise of the new SJW "orthodoxy". Still, I think Murray is very brave to have published a book like this. For the traditional right, this book is way too liberal, and it is very critical of the left, which leaves Murray with few allies (even though his other book got him a lot of right-wing fans).
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ZeljanaMaricFerli | 26 other reviews | Mar 4, 2024 |



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