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Elisa Nader

Author of Escape from Eden

1+ Work 70 Members 12 Reviews

Works by Elisa Nader

Escape from Eden (2013) 70 copies, 12 reviews

Associated Works

Violent Ends (2015) — Contributor — 271 copies, 7 reviews


Common Knowledge



When i read the blurb for this book I immediately thought that it would be like a modern day Jim Jones/People’s Temple/Guyana tragedy. [b:Six Years With God: Life Inside Jim Jones' People's Temple|1384302|Six Years With God Life Inside Jim Jones' People's Temple|Jeannie Mills||1374329](I didn’t realize how that dated me until I talked to a colleague who as younger than me and didn’t have that cultural reference. Talk about devastating, I don’t think of myself as old.) I wasn’t too far off, though I was pleasantly surprised by the twists in the plot line. I don’t mind when I know the road the plot is taking, when we end up going the scenic route.

Students will get caught up in the danger of Escape from Eden. Fear is a big motivator. Fear for the characters, fear that something like this could (and did) happen. I needed to know if Mia and Gabriel would be okay. As a mom, I wanted to slap some grownups, even as I can understand their fear.
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readingbeader | 11 other reviews | Oct 29, 2020 |
(This review can be found on my blog The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl).

I've always been drawn to books that deal with cults, so when Escape from Eden by Elisa Nader came up for review, I was overjoyed! Luckily, I wasn't disappointed.

I love the synopsis of the book, and I think it's spot on, so I won't bore you with the blurb in my own words.

The title definitely suits the book as Gabriel and Mia are actually trying to escape. It's definitely an intriguing title and one that caught my attention.

I wasn't sold on the cover to begin with, but after awhile, it grew on me. I like the photo of Mia peeking out behind some kind of bush. It definitely sets the tone of the story.

The world building, overall, was really fantastically written, and I found myself instantly drawn into the book. However, I did wonder how Mia, a girl whose been in a compound since the age of 10 with no links to the outside world, knew about sex. Maybe she picked it up from other members, I don't know, but that question kept gnawing at me.

The pacing of this book did start out a bit slow for my liking, and I was wondering if this book would end up on my DNF (did not finish) pile. Luckily, after the first few chapters, the pacing picks up immensely, and it becomes hard to put this book down.

I loved the plot! Although plots about people trying to escape a cult aren't new, Nader did an excellent job at keeping the plot original. There aren't any major plot twists, but it doesn't matter. This book doesn't need them because it is just that good! The author also does a fantastic job of incorporating a bit of romance without it overshadowing the major plot point. Since I'm a Christian, I must admit that I was a little worried this book would belittle religion and/or God, but after reviewing the book, I didn't find anything offensive in it which was a relief.

I felt as if the characters were written really well. I loved Mia, and although I didn't connect with her right at first, I began to slowly love and care for her. I admired her courage even when she was vulnerable. I also loved Gabriel and the dry humor he brought to the story. I couldn't help but love him! Even mean girl Bridgette was written fantastically!

The dialogue was fantastic and flowed smoothly with the exception of the little bit of some info dump at the beginning of the book. The character interactions never felt forced or weak. There are a few swear words in this book though, so be forewarned if you''re not a fan of swearing.

Overall, Escape from Eden is a fantastic read once you get past the first few chapters. I loved how fantastic the characters were and how great the story line was written!

I'd recommend this book to those aged 16 who want to read about strong characters and a fascinating plot that will leave you breathless.

(I received a free hardback copy of this title from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review).
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khal_khaleesi | 11 other reviews | Nov 16, 2019 |
It's true that I'm generally drawn to books that deal with cults. There's something haunting to me about the "hive mind" mentality. Something sinister about the fact that a single person can possess the minds of so many others. It might be a macabre fascination, but I won't turn down a book like this. That's why I was so intrigued by Escape From Eden. What would I discover in the world of Edenton?

Mia is our main character and she's a brilliant one at that. Feisty, smart, and the one person in her compound who remembers life on the outside. Following this story from Mia's point of view made it all the more intriguing. Imagine growing up in a world that you hate, but can't escape. From the moment I arrived in Edenton with Mia, I knew there was something dark under the peaceful facade. As the cracks began to widen, and I discovered what was there, I couldn't look away.

The synopsis focuses on the romance between Mia and Gabriel, but that isn't what drives the book. I'll admit that their relationship did add another layer. Gabriel is the perfect companion for Mia, especially as they struggle to flee from the madness. What really pushes the book forward though is the slow decline of the "Eden" that these characters are trying to escape from. If you're looking for a book with a sweet romance, or a boy-meets-girl story, you might want to look elsewhere. This one is much deeper than that.

Truth be told, the ending was the only thing that wasn't spot on for me. The rest of Escape From Eden flies by, and I happily devoured it. Much love goes out to Elisa Nader for crafting such an intelligent, and fierce book! I don't see any mention of a sequel, but I'd welcome one. Keep Elisa Nader on your watch-list. Her writing is well worth your attention.
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roses7184 | 11 other reviews | Feb 5, 2019 |
A riveting page-turner packed with action and steamy romance. It's also insightful, occasionally funny, and written with blistering talent.
NinaBerry | 11 other reviews | Mar 3, 2016 |


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