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Christine Naumann-Villemin

Author of When a Wolf Is Hungry

56 Works 420 Members 36 Reviews

About the Author

Image credit: ecoledesloisirs.fr

Works by Christine Naumann-Villemin

When a Wolf Is Hungry (2011) 135 copies, 32 reviews
La Tétine de Nina (2002) 24 copies, 1 review
La Princesse Coquette (2002) 16 copies
Gloups (2008) 13 copies, 2 reviews
Nina en colère (2017) 13 copies
Un petit frère pour Nina (2004) 12 copies
Nina veut un animal (2013) 10 copies
Le tournoi des jaloux (2003) 10 copies
Le lit des parents (2007) 9 copies
La sorcière Rabounia (2012) 8 copies
Princesse copine-en-chef (2009) 7 copies
Thomas n'a peur de rien (2004) 7 copies
Le crocodile de l'école (2016) 7 copies
Clodomir Mousqueton (2014) 7 copies
Trop timide ! 5 copies
La revanche de Grizzli (2009) 5 copies
Yéti (2016) 4 copies
Jour de piscine (2012) 3 copies, 1 review
Bobos et maladies (2011) 3 copies
Les dents (2012) 2 copies
Dix petits poussins (2008) 2 copies
L'autre princesse (2018) 2 copies
GEORGETTE LA VEDETTE (2011) 2 copies
Maman Chonchon (2015) 2 copies
Promesses (2018) 1 copy
J'y arriverai jamais ! (2022) 1 copy
Lucette à bicyclette (2019) 1 copy
La princesse réclame (2013) 1 copy
Oh, pétard ! (2011) 1 copy
Princesse reclame (La) (2011) 1 copy


Common Knowledge




Note: I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.
fernandie | 31 other reviews | Sep 14, 2022 |
I absolutely loved this book! This book is about Edmond, a wolf who is hungry for a rabbit. He goes to the city with a tool to find a rabbit, but on the way he encounters many animals that keeps on taking all of his different tools on how to capture the rabbit. This book is intended for an audience who needs a good book to laugh at!
tori_huynh | 31 other reviews | Nov 3, 2020 |
I sort of enjoyed the first half as the wolf kept bicycling between his forest home and the urban apartment building where friendly neighbors keep impeding his hunt of a juicy rabbit tenant. It has a Wile E. Coyote vibe. But the ending is abrupt and has a lifestyle conversion for him that just doesn't work for me.
villemezbrown | 31 other reviews | Feb 29, 2020 |
This is a fun story that shows the Big Bad Wolf as a lonely, rather nice guy. Edmond Bigsnout lives alone in the woods. When he gets hungry, he heads off to the city to find a fancy rabbit dinner. When he arrives at an apartment house, he sees that a small rabbit lives inside. The problem is that everytime he heads up in the elevator, he meets a resident who asks to borrow whatever implement he has with him like a pot, a chainsaw, a BBQ and more. When he finally arrives at the rabbit's door, he finds a sign that says he is up on the roof. Once he gets up there, all the apartment dwellers are having a party and he is invited. He gives up eating meat and becomes a vegetarian and moves into the apartment house. This is a short, quirky, read, that shows what friendship really is. This is a cute book for primary classrooms as a read aloud with lots of predictions and inferencing possibilities. The illustrations are great. They are not detailed, but they show expression and add to the story. They are large and colourful and will definitely get the attention of children. A good addition to a classroom or school library. The publisher generously provided me with a copy of this book via Netgalley.… (more)
Carlathelibrarian | 31 other reviews | Feb 5, 2019 |


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