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Cynthia Nicolson

Author of Volcano! (Disaster)

22 Works 509 Members 5 Reviews

About the Author


Works by Cynthia Nicolson


Common Knowledge



This is a very good basic overview of facts about stars for young readers. It uses clear and concise language that the youngest readers can easily understand and contains many illustrates and photographs to accompany the text. I used only certain pages to talk more in-depth about topics we had already covered in my kindergarten class, but I later found one of my more advanced students reading aloud from the book to some of her classmates. So I guess they found it interesting enough to revisit!
sweetiegherkin | 1 other review | Jun 8, 2013 |
This oversized, 40 page volume explores common human behaviors, from burping, feeling ticklish, using right vs. left hands, memory, yawning, sleep, and more. Several questions have one spread with a question and illustration on the left and a detailed explanation of the biology and physiology on the left, with an additional column with more information. Other questions have only one page.

The illustrations are rather odd to my taste. They are collaged photos of people with various body parts replaced with animal parts, photos in color and black and white, black drawings of bodies with animal heads pasted in on top. For example, one spread shares two questions, "Why do your eyes face forward?" and "Why do you see colors?" and a photograph of a girl's head is set into the center of the page. Half of the girl's face is black and white with an owl's mask and the other half is in color with a butterfly wing mask.

The facts and explanations are interesting, but the chunks of text are very large and may discourage some kids from reading more than a few pages. There are quite a few "weird body facts" books out there and I don't think this one really offers anything new.

Verdict: Add if you really have a need for more body books, but otherwise I would recommend Kids Can Press' Don't Touch That Toad, a more kid-friendly title with a wider variety of facts and shorter sections of text.

ISBN: 9781554535699; Published March 2011; Review copy provided by publisher through Raab Associates.
… (more)
JeanLittleLibrary | 1 other review | Jun 6, 2011 |
Turn your eyes skyward and try to glimpse the Big Dipper or Orion's belt after you have read this simple, but informative book about our marvelous night sky. Thanks to NASA, we get small peaks that will help us locate the constellations.
Classroom Use: Give students star stickers and let them create a constellation in the night sky on black construction paper.
Jdonldsn | 1 other review | Dec 9, 2010 |
Genre: Inforamtional
This book gives information and facts about the earth, volcanoes, earthquakes and more natural disasters.
seh08 | Mar 9, 2009 |


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