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Philip Pullman
Tamora Pierce
Jonathan Stroud
D. J. MacHale
Diana Wynne Jones
Eoin Colfer
Patricia C. Wrede
William Nicholson
Robin McKinley
Diane Duane
Alison Croggon
Megan Whalen Turner
Angie Sage
Anthony Horowitz
K. A. Applegate
Rachel Hartman
John A. Flanagan
Philip Reeve
Naomi Novik
Joseph Delaney
Herbie Brennan
Kristin Cashore
Terry Pratchett
Cornelia Funke
Tanith Lee
Christopher Paolini
Ben Aaronovitch
Seanan McGuire
Jenny Nimmo
Scott Westerfeld
Melina Marchetta
Cinda Williams Chima
Ursula Vernon
Juliet Marillier
Jane Yolen
D. M. Cornish
Isobelle Carmody
V. E. Schwab
Mary Hoffman
Ursula K. Le Guin
Emily Rodda
Marcus Sedgwick
Leigh Bardugo
Nancy Farmer
Kelley Armstrong
Kate Constable
Maggie Stiefvater
Justine Larbalestier
Shannon Hale
Neil Gaiman