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Anna North

Author of Outlawed

6+ Works 1,652 Members 81 Reviews

About the Author

Anna North is a journalist, Editor and author. She is a graduate of the University of Iowa and the Iowa Writers' Workshop. She works for The New York Times and is a staff editor. Her writing has also appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle, The Atlantic, Glimmer Train, Nautilus, Salon and on show more Jezebel and BuzzFeed. She is the author of America Pacifica. Her recent book, The Life and Death of Sophie Stark, won the 2016 Lambda Literary Award in Bisexual Fiction. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Anna North

Works by Anna North

Outlawed (2021) 1,121 copies, 47 reviews
The Life and Death of Sophie Stark (2015) 312 copies, 20 reviews
America Pacifica (2011) 207 copies, 14 reviews
Lullaby 1 copy
Banitka 1 copy

Associated Works

Robot Uprisings (2014) — Contributor — 192 copies, 6 reviews
Flashed: Sudden Stories in Comics and Prose (2016) — Contributor — 6 copies


Common Knowledge

Country (for map)
Williamsburg, Virginia, USA
Places of residence
Brooklyn, New York, USA



Utterly engrossing, fun, and life affirming. An inclusive re-imagined wild west; I just wish it never ended!
Rebecca1123 | 46 other reviews | Jan 5, 2025 |
This book was good, it held my attention. I found the narrator compelling and cared what happened to her. The writing was a bit sparse at times and I wished for more information about the peripheral characters. Overall, I'd recommend this book for someone looking for a quick read, but if you're someone who likes a deep dive into each character and a substantial plot, maybe find something else.
livwithdogs | 46 other reviews | Nov 15, 2024 |
"Knowledge can be very valuable," she said, "but only if people want it. If they don't, it can be worse than useless."

I wanted to love this one. I was so excited when I read it was a Feminist Western. And I did think the plot was interesting - the group of people on the fringe of society banding together in hiding to stay safe and find purpose and family in their life. I liked the band of thieves Ada finds herself attached to, even if I didn't think they were nice or even fair. They were pretty realistic. I adored Lark.

But somehow the storytelling never pulled me in. I think the narrator would have worked better for me as journal entries. The ending also felt abrupt.
… (more)
Trisha_Thomas | 46 other reviews | Nov 14, 2024 |
"People like you and me, we're the next generation."

This was a very odd book. At first, it was jarring - full of weird lingo, a lot of food with the word 'jelly fish' in front of it, and jobs and locations that were familiar but not. Soon enough, I got the rhythm of the storytelling and it all started to meld together. The circus, the missing, the hunt, the rulers and the haves/have nots. It's still a weird story that didn't feel cohesive from beginning to end but it was interesting.

I thought finding out the information about each area and the food were intriguing. The order of the boats and how their caste system worked was interesting too. The search for the missing, though, was odd and full of weird sexual situations. It's not that I don't think these types of situations could be present, I'm sure they would be, but they just felt odd in the story.

But once we got moving on the plot and figured out what everyone planned to do and she got her ankle finally set (along with some answers), then the story went faster and was more interesting. The end is probably the most disappointing part of the story.
… (more)
Trisha_Thomas | 13 other reviews | Nov 14, 2024 |



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