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7 Works 97 Members 5 Reviews


Works by Shane KP O'Neill


Common Knowledge




This story is rich in medieval politics, battle tactics, and the war in Heaven. Deposed powers are all fighting to regain their old glories, and death and despair run rampant. A slight cliffhanger at the end has me dying to read the next book! Loved it!
LizaRobbins | Aug 18, 2015 |
This book surprised me. It was written like a historical novel, and follows the life of Vlad Dracul, and his son, Vlad Dracula. What surprised me was the depth of information, real or imagined, portrayed in this story. There are Monarchs and Sultans, love scenes and war scenes, angels and demons... It sets a fascinating example of literature, that isn't often seen in today's books...especially paranormals. Well done!
LizaRobbins | Aug 17, 2015 |
A fabulous start to the series, and an enthralling new take on the classic Dracula.

****Spoiler Alert****

I must admit I am a vampire novelist, of the contemporary sort, and I do enjoy most vampire novels (most but not all). Shane O’Neill has brought us back to the very roots of the myth, back to where it all started, the birth of the Monster Dracula. Its gothic, medieval, visceral, brutal, and everything you ever expected Dracula should be.

But here we will know Dracula as man shaped by hard choices, hemmed in by enemies, struggling to retake the throne of Wallachia which has been in his hands twice over. He is a man known as The Impaler, willing to impale thousands of men on the stake to make an example to all who would invade his lands. He is not loved by his people, but feared and respected. Dracula lives by the sword, always believing that “the end justifies the means,” the perfect man for a deal with the Devil.

Once you get a taste of this prologue, you have to read the rest. I’m already halfway through Bound by Blood volume 1.
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Travis_Luedke | Sep 7, 2014 |
In some ways, this body of work brings to mind The Historian by Kostova, because here too is an intelligent, compelling literary read, that goes far beyond the drips of blood and the ghoulish thrills, based on great attention to historical detail.

The Lamb of God presents a rich yarn, embroidered skillfully with threads of mystery, historical fiction, and vampire lore. Unlike The Historian, which suffers from long passages that read like a graduate school dissertation on the life of Dracula, the research here is well integrated with the story. Also, because the author has a complete vision of his dark universe, he divided the story from the start into a well-structured series of books, of which this book is a prequel.

The first chapter is a high level retelling of the story of Creation, which is the philosophical underlining, the concept holding together the entire series: the ultimate battle of good vs. evil. While Lucifer wanders the earth, his three bothers, consumed with jealousy of him, entice God to create Man, in His own image. This is the beginning of a bitter feud, in which Lucifer plans to win the battle for souls by turning man against God. The next chapters bring you in to witness the crucifixion of Christ, as if you were standing there, watching Mary collapse to her knees.

Five stars.
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Uvi_Poznansky | Nov 3, 2013 |



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