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José Ortega y Gasset (1883–1955)

Author of The Revolt of the Masses

336+ Works 6,107 Members 76 Reviews 18 Favorited

About the Author

Essayist and philosopher, a thinker influential in and out of the Spanish world, Jose Ortega y Gasset was professor of metaphysics at the University of Madrid from 1910 until the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936. The Revolt of the Masses, his most famous work, owes much to post-Kantian show more schools of thought. Ortega's predominant thesis is the need of an intellectual aristocracy governing in a spirit of enlightened liberalism. Although Franco, after his victory in the civil war, offered to make Ortega Spain's "official philosopher" and to publish a deluxe edition of his works, with certain parts deleted, the philosopher refused. Instead, he chose the life of a voluntary exile in Argentina, and in 1941 he was appointed professor of philosophy at the University of San Marcos in Lima, Peru. He returned to Spain in 1945 and died in Madrid. Ortega's reformulation of the Cartesian cogito displays the fulcrum of his thought. While Rene Descartes declared "Cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am), Ortega maintained "Cogito quia vivo" (I think because I live). He subordinated reason to life, to vitality. Reason becomes the tool of people existing biologically in a given time and place, rather than an overarching sovereign. Ortega's philosophy consequently discloses affinities in its metaphysics to both American pragmatism and European existentialism in spite of its elitism in social philosophy. (Bowker Author Biography) show less

Works by José Ortega y Gasset

The Revolt of the Masses (1930) — Author — 1,940 copies, 28 reviews
What Is Philosophy? (1957) — Author — 346 copies, 3 reviews
Estudios sobre el amor (1981) — Author — 277 copies, 5 reviews
Meditations on Quixote (1914) 260 copies, 2 reviews
El espectador (1969) — Author — 187 copies, 1 review
Man and Crisis (1933) 179 copies, 3 reviews
Man and People (1963) — Author — 163 copies
Invertebrate Spain (1921) — Author — 150 copies, 3 reviews
The Modern Theme (Classic Reprint) (1976) — Author — 126 copies, 6 reviews
The Origin of Philosophy (1967) 100 copies
Ideas y creencias (1970) 78 copies, 2 reviews
Meditations on Hunting (1972) 77 copies, 1 review
Mission of the university (1966) 76 copies
Some Lessons in Metaphysics (1970) 74 copies, 2 reviews
Velázquez (1983) — Author — 33 copies
Missão do bibliotecário (2006) 32 copies, 3 reviews
Concord and Liberty (1963) 27 copies
Historical Reason (1984) 25 copies
Notas (1967) 22 copies
Phenomenology and Art (1975) 21 copies
Tríptico (1964) — Author — 17 copies
Espíritu de la letra (1998) 17 copies, 1 review
El libro de las misiones (1984) 16 copies
De l'amour (1995) 16 copies
What Is Knowledge? (1984) 15 copies
Ortega Gassett - Tomo 1 (Spanish Edition) (2004) — Author — 15 copies
Kant, Hegel, Dilthey (1972) 14 copies, 1 review
Signale unserer Zeit: Essays (1952) — Author — 13 copies
La redención de las provincias (1973) 11 copies, 1 review
Meditación de Europa (2006) 11 copies
La caza y los toros (1984) 11 copies
ESPECTADOR 1, EL (AUSTRA1381) (1980) — Author — 11 copies
Obras Completas 5 (2004) 10 copies
Discursos políticos (1990) 9 copies
Obras Completas 6 - Ortega y Gassett (2006) — Author — 9 copies
Obras completas (1978) 9 copies
En tiempos de la sociedad de masas (2013) — Author — 8 copies
Goya (1958) 8 copies
Mocedades (1901) 8 copies
El espectador III y IV (2016) 7 copies
Idea del teatro (1977) 7 copies
El espectador, VII-VIII (2014) 7 copies
El espectador, Tomos V-VI (2016) 7 copies
Studii despre iubire (1995) 6 copies
Obras selectas (2000) 6 copies
Scritti politici (1979) 6 copies
Über das römische Imperium (1964) — Author — 6 copies
Viajes y países (1957) 6 copies
Ensayos escogidos (1997) 6 copies
El Espectador, II (1980) 5 copies
Vives, Goethe (1973) 5 copies, 1 review
Paisajes (1985) — Author — 5 copies
Prólogo para alemanes (1974) 5 copies
Obras Completas 7 - Ortega Y Gasset (2007) — Author — 5 copies
Una interpretazione della storia universale (1994) — Author — 4 copies
Velazquez. Goya (1993) 4 copies
Personas, obras, cosas... (1986) 4 copies
Obras completas. T. 6 (1997) 4 copies
Die Schrecken des Jahres eintausend (1992) — Author — 4 copies
Két történelmi esszé (1983) 4 copies
Triumph des Augenblicks Glanz der Dauer (1983) — Author — 4 copies
Cuerpo vivido (2010) 4 copies
Obras completas. T. 5 (1994) 3 copies
Obras completas. T. 4 (1994) 3 copies
Dan Auta: An African Tale (2022) 3 copies, 1 review
Obras completas. T. 1 (1993) 3 copies
Obras completas. T. 10 (1994) 3 copies
Revista de occidente 3 copies, 1 review
Das Wesen geschichtlicher Krisen (1951) — Author — 3 copies
Obras completas. T. 7 (1997) 3 copies
Obras completas. T. 9 (1997) 3 copies
Sus Mejores Páginas 3 copies, 1 review
Eseje o umení (1994) 2 copies
Epistolario (1974) 2 copies
Sul romanzo 2 copies
Mīlestība un gudrība (1995) 2 copies
Revista de occidente. 152 — Editor — 2 copies
Buch des Betrachters (1959) 2 copies
Obras completa. Tomo III (1917-1928) (1966) — Author — 2 copies
Azorin 1 copy
Notas 1 copy
KANT HEGEL SCHELER (1983) 1 copy
Essays 1 copy
Notas 1 copy
Obras 1 copy
Storia e sociologia (1983) 1 copy
Revista de occidente. 148 — Author — 1 copy
En torno a Galileo y otros (1956) — Author — 1 copy
Opazovalec 1 copy
Gespräch beim Golf — Author — 1 copy
Gott in Sicht (1964) 1 copy

Associated Works

Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre (1956) — Contributor — 2,170 copies, 19 reviews
Crime and Punishment [Norton Critical Edition, 3rd ed.] (1989) — Contributor — 1,204 copies, 4 reviews
Love (1822) — some editions — 927 copies, 13 reviews
The Philosophy of History in Our Time (1959) — Contributor — 226 copies, 1 review
Agua Agua Agua: An Aesop's Fable (Little Celebrations) (1994) — Illustrator — 91 copies
Discurso de mi vida (1630) — Afterword, some editions — 90 copies, 1 review
Fiesta! (1992) — Illustrator — 56 copies, 2 reviews
The Penguin Book of Twentieth-Century Protest (1998) — Contributor — 33 copies


Common Knowledge



Erudite yet easy to digest. Ortega rightly observes the entitlement mentality of those who stand on the shoulders of great peoples while militating against the very society and exceptionalism that created the means for such entitlement. A timeless (and timely) work.
bralexp | 27 other reviews | Oct 11, 2024 |
El tema de nuestro tiempo; España invertebrada
Ivanruben | Jul 3, 2024 |
It really speaks to the power of Ortega y Gasset's prose that one of the most deplorable acts to watch, at least in my experience, is rendered by him as one of the most sublime and invigorating. He describes dog hunting as adding a 'symphonic majesty' to the hunt, with the bright idea of bringing greyhounds, mastiffs, bassets etc. into the fray as being an achievement comparable to the 'discovery of polyphony' in music.

His view communicates the idea that Paleolithic man, who conducted himself as a hunter as a means to an end rather than as a leisurely pursuit, was saturated by instinct and had only brief flareups of primitive reason. Modern man feels a sense of nostalgia concerning this prior state and, in the meantime, remains somewhat resentful of his domestication, so decides to allocate time to an artificial return to it so as to lose himself within the bosom of Nature and demonstrate (through the game of the hunt and his self-imposed limits warranting off undue excess - dynamiting a lake doesn't qualify as hunting) the clear order he manifests in his action as possessing a supremacy over the prey he hunts.

This short book reminds me greatly of a terrible night of hunting I carried out as a boy on the eve of my adolescence. Such an event pretty much consisted of me laying prone in a bush during a deep fog and randomly flashing a torch on and off to see whether or not I would catch a rabbit off guard. I was positively freezing my nuts off in the midst of some poor bastard's aristocratic private estate while my father and his mutual friend wandered off into the woods, maybe he's still in denial, because I definitely heard some strange noises echo throughout that infernal night which belonged to neither fox nor hare. Alas, I begrudgingly shot at a rabbit around an hour or so later and to this day still have no idea if I hit him or not, after this book I wish I had hit that fuzzy little fucker. I don't think anyone felt like they possessed much supremacy that night....
… (more)
theoaustin | May 19, 2023 |
Scritto nel 1925, parla di quella che allora era "arte nuova" e senza dubbio fa considerazioni che possono essere applicate anche all'arte contemporanea d'oggi. La posizione di Ortega è ambigua nella misura in cui da un lato afferma di non voler affermare la superiorità né dell'arte contemporanea né di quella precedente, dall'altro si tradisce quando descrive la separazione tra volgo ed élite intellettuale (l'unica in grado di capire l'arte contemporanea - e non è difficile credere che lui se ne senta parte). Ci sono senz'altro note corrette e del tutto precorritrici di quanto è poi accaduto, in particolare il carattere intrinsecamente ironico dell'arte contemporanea.
… (more)
d.v. | May 16, 2023 |



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Johan Brouwer Translator
Theo Bandi Photographer
F.J. Sanchez Cantón Picture editor
Fritz Wahl Translator
Helene Weyl Translator
Louis Parrot Translator
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Paulino Garagorri Introduction
J. R. Carey Translator
Mildred Adams Translator
Elaine Lustig Cohen Cover designer
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Leonard Baskin Cover designer
Valeriano Bozal Introduction
Consuelo Berges Translator
Juan Masiá Editor, Translator
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María Mallo Cover artist
Ulrich Kunzmann Translator
G. J. Geers Translator
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