Gordon Owen (disambiguation)
"Gordon Owen" is composed of at least 3 distinct authors, divided by their works.
Author Division
Gordon Owen (2)
Fundraising from Companies & Charitable Trusts/Foundations Through The Internet (2011) 6 copies, 1 review
Gordon Owen (unknown)
Eat and Be Merry 2 copies
Volunteers Handbook 1 copy
Equal Opportunities Policy 1 copy
Quality 1 copy
ABC for Committees 1 copy
website 1 copy
CashBook 1 copy
Fundraising Exiting Strategy 1 copy
Writing your Application 1 copy
Commission-Based Fundraising 1 copy
Common Knowledge
- Disambiguation notice
- GO#1 - US expert on Bonsai
GO#2 - UK authorpreneur based in Essex
GO#3 - Gordon Richard Owen, b1924