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9 Works 150 Members 2 Reviews

About the Author

James P. Owen is Senior Vice President of Broadmark Asset Management.

Works by James P. Owen


Common Knowledge




A very engaging book that gives a lot of constructive and well thought out advice. If everyone lived like this the world would most definantly be a better place.
dswaddell | 1 other review | Oct 8, 2008 |
Living the code of the Cowboy in today’s society brings back the hope for a better place where we can recapture what America once stood for. James Owen has been lecturing for several years on the ethics of cowboys and in this new book he hopes to instill in all of us a pride in ourselves and respect for others.
The photography is first rate, meaningful, and shows that a lot of thought had gone into the selection of Americana of the cowboy through pictures. One image really was patriotic in the true sense of the word. A family is depicted with hands over heart gathered around their flag pole saluting and saying the pledge of allegiance. Their home is in the background showing their humble way of life on the range.
Owen points out there are seven core values we can all share and they are not just for the Cowboy, they are for all of us.
Courage – Optimism – Self-Reliance – Authenticity – Honor – Duty – Heart
Simply stated, but the portrayal by photograph, example, and deed send the message we can use in the pursuit of our lives. Cowboy Values is a remarkably straightforward book with a powerful significance. A gift you can bestow upon a loved one which will be long treasured. When you put this oversized book on your coffee table it will be one of those treasures which is picked up and examined by all who see it. All of the proceeds from this book are going to charity.
Ten principles to live by from his book Cowboy Ethics (2004) also, by James P. Owen:
1 Live each day with courage
2 Take pride in your work
3 Always finish what you start
4 Do what has to be done
5 Be tough, but fair
6 When you make a promise, keep it
7 Ride for the brand
8 Talk less and say more
9 Remember that some things aren’t for sale
10 Know where to draw the line
When you put all these together, you have achieved life’s full meaning.
… (more)
clarkisaacs | 1 other review | May 8, 2008 |




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