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2+ Works 159 Members 3 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: John P. Piazza

Works by John Piazza

Associated Works

The Meditations (0170) — Translator, some editions — 16,010 copies, 161 reviews


Common Knowledge



Short, sweet, and on point. Easy to pick up at any point, at any time, whenever you need it.
tgraettinger | 2 other reviews | Jan 20, 2021 |
This edition seems well executed in translation, readability, and introductory context. As for the meditations themselves, I remembered them being more thought provoking. There were several ideas that made me stop and think, or that I made note of as worth coming back to. There were a lot of others that weren't so inspiring. Aurelius certainly was an interesting character: truly a philosopher king. His closing thought in book one is both interesting and humorous. "I am also thankful that, once I had an appetite for philosophy, I did not fall into the hands of some so-called wise man, and that I did not waste my time publishing or attempting to solve logic puzzles, or busy myself with observing the sky." Perhaps the central message from Aurelius is that we are all part of the human experience and for such a short time. We need to interact with others and better ourselves, yet the converse is more common.… (more)
jpsnow | 2 other reviews | Feb 19, 2018 |
There are things that should be common sense to every human being. But not once do we lose the true perspective of our lives and values that should be cherished.

This often happens in the times of great stress (as it is popular to say these days).

In such moments it helps to remind oneself of these things and one could do that (in lack of no better way) by reading through this book.

(I highly recommend reading this book no matter what - I am sure reader will truly enjoy the experience)

Again, there is no great wisdom here - only notes from once most powerful man in Europe about everyday life. There are no talk-from-the-high-ground here. Everything is put in simple and understandable way - what we may call universal life truth(s) (again this is not do-it-yourself-in-x-minutes book so do not expect that this book will change your life altogether).

Highly recommended.
… (more)
1 vote
Zare | 2 other reviews | Feb 19, 2010 |

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