Picture of author.

Ellen Porath

Author of Kindred Spirits

5+ Works 1,687 Members 6 Reviews

About the Author

Image credit: Ellen Dodge Severson, staff photo Winona State University, Department of Mass Communication

Works by Ellen Porath

Kindred Spirits (1991) 836 copies, 4 reviews
Steel and Stone (1992) 563 copies, 1 review
Hederick the Theocrat (1994) — Author — 262 copies, 1 review
Steel and Stone, part 1 (1995) 14 copies
Steel and Stone, part 2 (1996) 12 copies

Associated Works


Common Knowledge

Other names
Porath, Ellen (née)
Severson, Ellen Dodge
c. 1955
Places of residence
Elkhorn, Wisconsin, USA
La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
wire service reporter-photographer
senior lecturer in agricultural journalism
resources coordinator
adjunct professor
Severson, Eric (spouse)
Short biography
Senior Lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Agricultural Journalism (1985-1995).
Resources Coordinator and Adjunct Professor at Winona State University (2000-)



Prachtig verhaal, veel spanning, magie, romantiek (allez ja, voor zover mogelijk) en makkelijk te lezen. Je vliegt door de hoofdstukken. Hoewel het niet echt een cruciaal verhaal is in de algemene DL-storyline, geeft het je wel een redelijk beeld van de Darken Woods, Icereach, ...
TechThing | Jan 22, 2021 |
Leuk om te lezen hoe Tanis opgroeit tussen de Elfen, vaardigheden leert ontwikkelen, onderdrukt wordt door Porthios en Gilthanas, hoe Laurana als klein meisje en later verliefd op 'm wordt, hoe hij valselijk beschuldigd wordt van diverse dingen, enz...

Ook de avonturen met Flint Fireforge, die Tanis helpt om open te bloeien, zijn goed geschreven en geven een goed beeld weer van hoe het eraan toeging.

Wanneer Eld Ailea dan vermoord wordt, wordt het helemaal spannend om de moordenaar te vinden. Mark Anthony en Ellen Porath zijn er in geslaagd ook mij op het verkeerde spoor - Lord Tyresian - te zetten, hoewel de connectie Eld Ailea - Tyresian mij niet echt duidelijk was. Eigenlijk had ik het moeten doorhebben toen Miral Laurana probeerde te overtuigen van z'n liefde. Nuja, 'liefde'.

Toen op het laatste, tijdens de Kentommen-viering van Porthios, wanneer Tanis Gilthanas verving om de moord te verhinderen, ontmaskerde Miral zichzelf en stormde Flint op het juiste moment binnen om hem volledig te ontmaskeren: Arelas, de doodgewaande broer van Solostaran (Speaker Of The Suns).

Kortom, m.i.: Zeer aangenaam en spanned om lezen.
… (more)
TechThing | 3 other reviews | Jan 22, 2021 |
Reading this was like seeing old friends again after a long absence. The Dragonlance Chronicles started my adventures into the world of Krynn back in high school. I felt that returning years later to read how the companions met one another was fitting.
In this first book we meet Flint Fireforge and Tanis Half Elven. Flint is a guest metalsmith for the Speaker of the Sun and Tanis as many know, if your familiar with the series, is the product of tragedy after the Cataclysm. An orphaned boy of half royal blood, taken in to be raised among the Speaker's children. We see the hardships that fall on Tanis as he is ridiculed for being half human, and my heart breaks for him.
As the story progresses we see the bond between Flint and Tanis grow, from a simple act of kindness when Flint gives him a handmade toy into a steadfast friendship. But trouble waits for Tanis, as he grows older and is accused of murder. The only thing standing between his exile from Qualinost is Flint's determination to prove him innocent.
This was a slow building book, as the reader is shown Tanis' whole childhood, but it serves to show the basis of his personality we see in later novels. I also never tire learning about the different elven races in Krynn, so the ability to read more about Qualinost's culture and coming of age traditions interested me. Flint's humor does break up the long stretches and his faithful donkey causing laughable mayhem. A definite read for fans of the original trilogy that started the Dragonlance World.
… (more)
Letora | 3 other reviews | Nov 24, 2019 |
Oddly enough, Tanis and Flint are two of my least favorite characters of the Dragonlance Saga, so this volume of the Meetings Sextet just didn't grab me. Couple that with an author who is not Weis or Hickman and I found this just so-so and with no desire to reread it.
jshillingford | 3 other reviews | Aug 9, 2011 |

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