Author picture

Joan De Deu Prats

Author of Sebastian's Roller Skates

81 Works 273 Members 29 Reviews

About the Author

Works by Joan De Deu Prats

Sebastian's Roller Skates (2005) 100 copies, 25 reviews
Llegendes de Barcelona (2007) 10 copies
L'enigma de les ones (2005) 8 copies
Lladres de joguines (2004) 6 copies
Llegendes de pescadors (2016) 5 copies, 1 review
What Granddad Was Like (2005) 5 copies
Llegendes històriques de Barcelona (2009) 5 copies, 1 review
El lladre d'aventures (2008) 5 copies
El guardià dels somnis (2019) 5 copies
El misteri del meteorit (2019) 3 copies
La piràmide perduda (2019) 3 copies
Un banc al solet (2001) 3 copies
Operació Phobos (2006) 3 copies
Gule Gule Kakalar (2008) 2 copies
L ' Inventor Despistat (2013) 2 copies
La flauta màgica (2000) 2 copies
El monstre dels Sargassos (2008) 2 copies
It's Time for Bed (2005) 2 copies
L'àvia voladora (2008) 2 copies
3 contes de Nadal (2006) 2 copies
75. Operació Àfrica (2000) 1 copy
¡Hay que soñar! (2014) 1 copy
Okuldaki Ilk Gunum (2008) 1 copy
Un Jardiner a la teulada (1996) 1 copy, 1 review
Leyendas de Barcelona (2008) 1 copy
La Rambla (Ítaca) (2006) 1 copy
Només alça els ulls (2016) 1 copy
El remolí fantasma (2007) 1 copy
155. Porgy and Bess (2004) 1 copy
La Pluja dins de casa (2002) 1 copy
El nàufrag de l'espai (2006) 1 copy
Un Robot dins de casa (2002) 1 copy
El Sol dins de casa (2002) 1 copy
Noche de Reyes (2000) 1 copy
L'home del barret de bolet (2008) 1 copy, 1 review


Common Knowledge



I relate to this book, simply because I find myself relatively shy in some situations, such as participating in class or expressing how I feel. This book was a great read and I loved seeing Sebastian grow as a person and become more confident in himself and things he had to say. In this book Sebastian picked up a new hobby-- skating-- and learning this hobby gave him more confidence and a higher self-esteem.
leahspurgeon | 24 other reviews | Apr 27, 2020 |
Sebastian was a very shy boy. He didn't talk very much, until he found a pair of old roller skates. He didn't like the skates at first, but the second time he saw the skates he took the skates home. He practiced everyday, but he wasn't very good. He was skating then a lady lost her dog and he tried to catch the dog, but he was still on his skates. The dog took him through the whole park; he loved it. The skates opened up a new Sebastian. He became so much more talkative. The skates gave him courage. He even asked the girl he liked to go on a date.… (more)
CameronYoung | 24 other reviews | Apr 27, 2020 |
This story is about a young shy boy named Sebastian. One day Sebastian is in the park and he finds a pair of roller skates. He decides to try them on and start skating. At first he is not very good. He then starts to practice every day he can. Eventually Sebastian becomes really good at roller skating. Sebastian then uses his new found roller skating talent to gain confidence in himself, especially when he is talking to people. Roller skating has shown him that it is important to speak and that his voice does matter. I liked this story and how the roller skates symbolize something so much bigger. I think it is amazing that in this story a pari of old skates and gaining the ability to skate helps a young boy gain so much confidence that he begins to communicate differently. I also liked how at the end Sebastian used his new found confidence and abilities to help someone who was a lot like him at one time.… (more)
cconsolian | 24 other reviews | Dec 2, 2018 |
I liked this book because I believe students who are shy may be able to connect to the book and it will inspire them to become more outgoing by getting them involved in new activities. This book incorporates a well-developed character of a boy named Sebastian, who is very shy. Throughout the book Sebastian has a lot to say, but he is scared to say it. As Sebastian finds a new hobby one day in the park, he spots roller skates sitting on the bench he decides he is going to learn to skate. In addition, the book uses illustrations to enhance the mood and emotions of the book. For example, in the book the illustrations show how Sebastian would lower his head and shrug his shoulders when people would talk to him, but by the end of the book they displayed that Sebastian was excited to talk to people about his new roller skates and all the other things he had to say. The main message of this story is to teach children that new activities can encourage and motivate you to be confident when speaking and communicating to others. Also, this book shows that hard work, and determination can pay off and enhance your skills in many different areas of your life.… (more)
tpasch1 | 24 other reviews | Sep 10, 2018 |


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