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Richard Dawkins
David Quammen
Stephen Jay Gould
Charles Darwin
Carl Zimmer
Jennifer Ackerman
Neil Shubin
Ed Yong
Peter Godfrey-Smith
Frans de Waal
Nick Lane
Elizabeth Kolbert
Jonathan Weiner
Andrea Wulf
David Reich
Robert M. Sapolsky
Adam Rutherford
Stephen L. Brusatte
Daniel C. Dennett
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Author of The Gene: An Intimate HistoryJonathan B. Losos
Matt Ridley
Edward O. Wilson
Jane Mayer
Menno Schilthuizen
Jennifer A. Doudna
Margaret MacMillan
Author of War: How Conflict Shaped UsMichael S. Gazzaniga
Ruth Kassinger
Steve Jones
Cordelia Fine
Lulu Miller
Bryan Sykes
Marlene Zuk
Jerry A. Coyne
Author of Why Evolution Is TrueJonathan C. Slaght
Charles C. Mann
Daniel Lieberman
Charles S. Cockell
Adam Winkler
Kermit Pattison
David Wootton
Tim F. Flannery
Author of Europe: A Natural HistoryJames C. Scott
Nicholas A. Christakis
Andrew S. Curran
Author of Diderot and the Art of Thinking FreelyRichard Fortey
Peter Brannen
Author of The Ends of the WorldBernd Heinrich
Brian Greene