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Derek Raymond (1931–1994)

Author of He Died with His Eyes Open

16+ Works 1,654 Members 50 Reviews 7 Favorited

About the Author

Disambiguation Notice:

In France, his books were published under his real name, Robin Cook. In England, some of the early ones were, but his later books were published as "Derek Raymond" to avoid confusion with the much better known author of books such as COMA. On LibraryThing, I have combined Derek Raymond with one of the Robin Cooks. There are at least three when you add the former British Foreign Secretary.


Works by Derek Raymond

He Died with His Eyes Open (1984) 451 copies, 16 reviews
I Was Dora Suarez (1990) 276 copies, 9 reviews
How the Dead Live (1986) 207 copies, 6 reviews
The Devil's Home on Leave (1985) 204 copies, 4 reviews
A State of Denmark (1970) 106 copies, 4 reviews
Crust on Its Uppers (1982) 106 copies, 4 reviews
Dead Man Upright (1993) 92 copies, 3 reviews
Nightmare in the Street (1988) 58 copies, 2 reviews
Not Till the Red Fog Rises (1994) 37 copies
Hidden Files (1992) 35 copies, 2 reviews
Un écart de conduite (1966) 21 copies
The Tenants of Dirt Street (1971) 15 copies
Bombe surprise (1993) 11 copies
Le Soleil qui s'éteint (1983) 6 copies

Associated Works

New Crimes 1 (1989) — Contributor — 20 copies


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Raymond, Derek
Legal name
Cook, Robert William Arthur
Other names
Cook, Robin
Date of death
London, England, UK
Place of death
London, England, UK
Places of residence
London, England, UK
Paris, France
New York, New York, USA
Disambiguation notice
In France, his books were published under his real name, Robin Cook. In England, some of the early ones were, but his later books were published as "Derek Raymond" to avoid confusion with the much better known author of books such as COMA. On LibraryThing, I have combined Derek Raymond with one of the Robin Cooks. There are at least three when you add the former British Foreign Secretary.



Non mi ha entusiasmato né coinvolto più di tanto, piuttosto dispersivo e puntato principalmente sulla vita della vittima attraverso l’ascolto delle registrazioni ritrovate nella abitazione.
Una storia che alla fine lascia anche delle ombre sulla soluzione e un protagonista solitario che agisce oltre anche oltre il lecito.
Un po’ diverso dal solito e da quello che preferisco tanto che per il momento non credo che proseguirò con la serie.
Raffaella10 | 15 other reviews | Jan 28, 2023 |
Great, gritty street driven noir from UK in the 80s(?). Narrator is fascinated by a murdered man who left cassette tapes with his dark observations about the world and his life. He (murdered man) was generous, thoughtful, deep and drawn to dark things. We see his life collapsing (through the tapes) and detective plumbs through his low life haunts - bars, dirty jobs, filthy apartment, etc. and ultimately it all comes together. He was "ruined" if you want to call it that by a cruel femme fatale - Babsy/Barbara - who treats him awfully/insultingly - bringing men home to their dive, etc.. He almost seems to enjoy the base humiliation / cuckolding. Detective (of course) has to meet and fall for the same femme fatale, so we (audience) can experience her dubious charms ourselves. Yes, it is indulgent and self serving (how deep these men are- how heartless these women (!)) but that is (partly) what art is for, right? self justification. Anyhow maybe 5 starts is too much but I will carry on for sure with this Factory series.… (more)
apende | 15 other reviews | Jul 12, 2022 |
Crust on Its Uppers (A Five Star Title) Well, this was interesting, hailed as his forgotten first novel it certainly deserves to be remembered and read.If I described it the tone of the novel as "Oh I say, that is simply frightfully terrible old chap" meets "Orl right then geezer" or the drift as The Saint meets Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels you may get some idea.Upper Class dropouts on a crime spree, cudgels and cocktails, drugs and evening dress, aristocracy and arseholes.Once you get the drift it is actually quite enjoyable.
Written in the patois of the times which consists of rhyming slang and old expressions not heard these days. I think the first 2 pages in the book act as a glossary for the slang. Still there were some expressions that I could not get a handle on right up to the end. Like "loyal", used endlessly but in so many contexts that I still couldn't get the sense of it. Probably like someone in the distant future reading "pants" or "sick".The background is London in 1962, so already the "Swinging London" had started to emerge and it was this class that began the swinging, not the working class who were still shovelling coal in cellars while muttering "Bah Goom".A Good Read (in capitals) so go and good read it.
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Ken-Me-Old-Mate | 3 other reviews | Sep 24, 2020 |
How the Dead Live (Factory 3) Having read I Was Dora Suarez, I wanted to read a bit more featuring the unnamed detective. This had the same gritty, gory fabric of that book with a different story over the top.Interesting to read a modern novel with no mobile phones and when the word computer is used you can almost taste the newness of it. A good look at life in England circa 1986.The detective is once again nameless but more of his past is revealed and a deep dark story it is. In fact at times his own past and the current story kinda merge in terms of flow, though not in detail. It is like reading one book with another running underneath.
Fascinating.I've read other reviews of this series (there are 5) which describe his writing and variable. Given that he was creating a new genre I think I can understand that. I also think his writing was lead by the detective whose life was indeed variable.These were real books, not Kindle books. I bought them from The Book Depository for mere pennies with free delivery. The thing was though, the books looked and felt new but smelled like they had been kept in a cupboard in a village hall since 1986.
… (more)
Ken-Me-Old-Mate | 5 other reviews | Sep 24, 2020 |



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