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6 Works 295 Members 18 Reviews

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Includes the name: Nancy Redd

Works by Nancy Amanda Redd


Common Knowledge




ABlack child loves Santa but wonders what the “real Santa” looks like.

Santa’s brown face is all over this family’s home, on tree ornaments, gift wrap, and sweaters. When Grandma and Grandpa arrive to spend the night on Christmas Eve, Black Santa waves from their car window. A collection of Santa figurines adorns the mantel. The joyful protagonist adores all his Santas, but his parents and grandparents can’t help him figure out which one is the real Santa or what the real Santa looks like. The family prepares for Santa’s visit, reads a story together, and says goodnight. But the child creeps back downstairs and spends the night under the tree, trying to stay awake to see the real Santa. Of course, he falls asleep before Santa arrives, but there’s a lovely surprise when he is carried off to bed. This heartwarming depiction of a loving Black family experiencing a beloved holiday is a delight to behold and is just what many have been waiting for. In one spread, every member of the family wears matching red pajamas and green socks. The boy’s question about Santa’s appearance steers readers through the pages with a feeling of curiosity and suspense that is fully rewarded at the end: There’s no suspension of disbelief required and just a touch of magic. (This book was reviewed digitally.)

This book should round out every holiday collection. (Picture book. 3-8)

-Kirkus Review
… (more)
CDJLibrary | Jan 11, 2023 |
la historia es sobre bonet y su familia , como se preparan antes de ir a dormir y ella pierde una cosa importante sin eso no puede ir a dormir pregunta a toda sus familia y luego lo encuentra y se va a dormir.
Doris_R | 5 other reviews | Sep 25, 2022 |
This is an absolutely wonderful book and I'm so glad I came across it. It's full of great advice on topics that are probably always going to be relevant, and photos of normal young women. There is one section that demonstrates airbrushing versus normal photography, which is incredibly valuable psychologically. I -adored- that the final chapter was a self-esteem booster. I hope this continues to be widely read.
iszevthere | 10 other reviews | Jul 27, 2022 |
This book is about a little girl who asks her family to help her find her bedtime bonnet to put on her hair before going to sleep. Her whole family takes care of their hair in various ways. I really liked this book and the representation shown in it.
Cerisenoelle | 5 other reviews | Jul 10, 2022 |


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