Author picture

Jack L. Roberts

Author of Our 42nd President: Bill Clinton

33 Works 215 Members 6 Reviews 1 Favorited

Works by Jack L. Roberts

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Gateway Biography) (1994) — Author — 25 copies, 4 reviews
The Importance of Dian Fossey (1995) 6 copies, 1 review
A Kid's Guide to Iceland (2018) 5 copies
Animal Survivors (2020) 5 copies
A Kid's Guide to Mexico (2018) 5 copies
A Kid's Guide to Alaska (2020) 4 copies
A Kid's Guide to Kenya (2017) 3 copies


Common Knowledge




The Writers' Compound: The Story of Four American Authors in Key West by Jack L. Roberts
ISBN: 9780692184851
Starts with praise from other writers, a map of the compound showing other points of interest, Table of contents, Foreword, Prologue, acknowledgments Introduction and then the story.
There are also old black and white photographs n the book that are captioned.
Each of the writers has their own chapter that encompasses the same information as the others.
Love learning about authors and how their minds work.
Enjoyed this story because it also involves the spouses input, the location and lots of historic facts.
Also includes information about the men and how they met their wives, marriages and how they got along with others in the winter months, some stayed longer, some didn't come often.
Enjoyed hearing about their writings and the books they wrote that made them famous and how they lived up to the day they died.
A small community where all of them shared some common spaces, pool, walking the grounds, etc in the Key West area. Love that the roads were mentioned so you can really trace the paths taken.
Would enjoy reading more from this author because the work he put into the research and making it a fun read. Very descriptive and detailed.
Appendix: Key West Authors stating where they lived in the area and some have what genre they wrote.
Appendix where authors are chonologically shown from birth to death
Appendix of KW Literary Landmarks, interview notes and dates the quotes were obtained, and each chapters notes are included. Bibliography is included at the end.
About the author is included as well.
I received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.
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jbarr5 | Feb 27, 2019 |
This book was a brief introduction to the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Former President of the United States Bill Clinton appointed Ginsburg to the Supreme Court in 1993. Ginsburg is the second woman to be appointed to the highest court in the United States ever. She faced discrimination at every turn not only because of her sex but also her religion. This unfair treatment encouraged her to fight for equal pay and against discrimination. Although it was never intended, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has become a pioneer for women's rights and an inspiration to women. I found the book to be very straightforward and the accompanying pictures were always relevant. It is an informational biography in every sense of the term but not necessarily a "fun read".… (more)
ilonon | 3 other reviews | Jan 24, 2017 |
Ruth Bader Ginsberg was only the second woman to sit on the United States Supreme Court at the time she was appointed in 1993. In 1950, Ginsberg began attending Cornell University and majored in government. After college, she saw firsthand the discrimination of women when she got demoted at her job because she was pregnant. After this, she decided she wanted to go to law school. She was one of the first women to be admitted to Harvard Law School. She tried to get jobs at many law firms but was rejected because she was a woman, a mother, and Jewish. She vowed to do something in the future about gender discrimination when it came to jobs. She was one of the first women to get a job as a law professor. She worked for equal rights for men and women. This book is good because it gives important facts without going into too much detail. It talks about important issues that are still affecting the United States today.… (more)
mwinningkoff | 3 other reviews | Jan 18, 2016 |
This book is about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It begins with her accepting the Supreme Court nomination from President Clinton and then goes through her childhood back to that point. I thought this book was great. It gave great insight into Ruth’s personality and convictions. It also gives you a better understanding of how she would stand on a few issues of today. One of her greatest passions was the equal treatment of women in society. Despite not having a lot of support other than her husband to fulfill her dream of being a lawyer, Ruth was committed to becoming one. She was the first female to be admitted to Harvard Law School.

This was a great book and I learned a lot about Justice Ginsburg. I loved the pictures included and I would definitely have this book in my library. I understand that this book is a bit outdated because she has accomplished many other things since this book was publish. However, I think this would be a good starting point for students to learn about this phenomenal woman.
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tahamilton | 3 other reviews | May 3, 2015 |


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