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3 Works 111 Members 3 Reviews

Works by Gwen Rowley

Knights of the Round Table: Lancelot (2006) 50 copies, 1 review
Knights of the Round Table: Geraint (2007) 32 copies, 1 review
Knights of the Round Table: Gawain (2007) 29 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge



There's less sex in this one than the other two, which i found interesting. Just one scene described, if i recall correctly. I think i liked this one more as well (not really for that reason). It has a huge "Beauty And The Beast" element to it, but in King Arthur's court and with a woman turned into a crone instead of a man turned into a beast. In a way, she's like the enchantress in the beginning of the Disney movie.

While both parties where exceedingly beautiful, there was more depth to it. Probably the main reason i liked this one so much is that it's not about one character being a jerk while the other, flawless one, teaches him/her the error of his/her ways. Both main characters were likable and yet each grew throughout the story.

On another note, who chose the names Morgana and Morgause? I still can't separate the two.

*Review written on November 9, 2014.*
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danaenicole | Nov 6, 2016 |
The sex in this one came up much more quickly. I'm still not a fan of that. But i enjoyed the book. Geraint and Enid get married while still strangers and realize that neither one trusts the other. So, it's kind of cool that it's about a struggling marriage while neither one is really considering ending it.

One thing i thought was odd, though, is that while it seems to be quite feminist (Enid is a warrior woman), it still contains the ridiculous idea that when two people are consummating a marriage, the man should know what he's doing while the woman should be a virgin. Granted, part of Enid's duties as a warrior woman is training men in the "art of lovemaking"... So, they tried to be feminist about it... But still.

*Review written on May 6, 2013.*
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danaenicole | Nov 6, 2016 |
i enjoyed this book. there was one part where it got really lame really fast because, of course, they had to throw sex into the book, but aside from that, this was a good read.

*Review written on January 22, 2012.*
danaenicole | Nov 6, 2016 |


½ 3.4

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