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E. Rose Sabin

Author of A School for Sorcery

10 Works 326 Members 10 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: Elenora Rose Sabin


Works by E. Rose Sabin


Common Knowledge

Legal name
Sabin, Elenora Rose
Places of residence
Florida, USA
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America



ik verwachtte een slap aftreksel van Harry Potter, maar dit is toch echt weer wat anders. Leuk boek, beetje kostschoolboek in magische wereld, maar dan ook echt een andere wereld, die niets te maken heeft met de onze. Dat is een van de grote verschillen met Potter, evenals het gebrek aan humor (wat geen gebrek van het boek is overigens, het is gewoon een totaal ander soort boek). Fijn boek voor tussendoor, wel een yaffie.
weaver-of-dreams | 6 other reviews | Aug 1, 2023 |
Read this book ages ago and for life of me, could not remember the title until I stumbled upon it in the library a few days ago.

Tris is a witch who enrolls in a school for sorcery (like the title states) and quickly begins learning about her own abilities, despite boring ethics classes and a catty roommate.

However, two power-hungry students soon manage to summon demons from another world who steals Tris's beloved. They mock her and then propsse a challenge to her to get him back with her own power. The headmistress tells her to undergo the challenge to bring them back. This is one point that bothers me. It does not make sense that the staff could not stop these idiotic power-hungry students. I call this a plot hole deliberately created to give Tris and her friends an plot point.

The middle drags, but I can suffer through it because I love the ending. Seriously, one of the best endings I've seen in a book.

Three stars because I loved this book when I was little and it has a really memorable ending.
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NineLarks | 6 other reviews | Sep 15, 2014 |
Read this book ages ago and for life of me, could not remember the title until I stumbled upon it in the library a few days ago.

Tris is a witch who enrolls in a school for sorcery (like the title states) and quickly begins learning about her own abilities, despite boring ethics classes and a catty roommate.

However, two power-hungry students soon manage to summon demons from another world who steals Tris's beloved. They mock her and then propsse a challenge to her to get him back with her own power. The headmistress tells her to undergo the challenge to bring them back. This is one point that bothers me. It does not make sense that the staff could not stop these idiotic power-hungry students. I call this a plot hole deliberately created to give Tris and her friends an plot point.

The middle drags, but I can suffer through it because I love the ending. Seriously, one of the best endings I've seen in a book.

Three stars because I loved this book when I was little and it has a really memorable ending.
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NineLarks | 6 other reviews | Sep 15, 2014 |
Normally I like things like high speed chases, gun fights, and stars going nova to fill the pages of my books. Or a gritty murder mystery to solve. It's sort of strange that I've been reading so many historical settings lately. They normally aren't my thing, but I've enjoyed this little foray onto different shelves.

Seduction is full of intrigue, strategy, and a good dose of heartache. The names were hard for me to wrap my brain around and I'm sure what I was saying was nothing like what the author thought. However, that didn't really matter, or even slow me down. Okay, well I did stumble a few times when I wasn't sure who I was reading about, BUT those were all minor characters that didn't really matter.

I loved how this is written like a series of journal entries. It allowed Sabin to use an easy and personal tone that really pulled me into the story. Lara is a strong female lead who even though she didn't originally want to be queen, finds that she's really good at it. As I was reading I kept thinking about the things in my life I didn't want to do, but once I did I found that I enjoyed them (such as planning the QueryCon at UB). This helped me relate to Lara since I've never been queen.

The writing was clean, solid, and I read the whole book in about two days. The romance was heartbreaking. Sabin did a wonderful job showing the two sides at war within Lara--mother or lover?
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CharityBradford | 1 other review | Apr 1, 2014 |


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