Author picture

John W. Santrock

Author of Life-Span Development

74 Works 1,076 Members 6 Reviews

About the Author

John W. Santrock taught at the University of Charleston and the University of Georgia before joining the faculty at the University of Texas at Dallas.

Works by John W. Santrock

Life-Span Development (1989) 280 copies, 1 review
Adolescence (1987) 193 copies
Children (1988) 72 copies
Educational Psychology (2001) 68 copies, 2 reviews
Essentials of Life-Span Development (2007) 55 copies, 2 reviews
Psychology (1996) 28 copies
Psychology: Essentials 2 (2002) 15 copies
Psychology Brief (1999) 10 copies
Human Adjustment (2005) 5 copies
Psicologia dello sviluppo (2008) 3 copies
Yaşam Boyu Gelişim (2012) 3 copies
Psychology: Custom (1997) 2 copies
Children (2018) 1 copy
Psychology Custom Text (1997) 1 copy
Psicologia Educacional (2009) 1 copy


Common Knowledge



This is basically a textbook on Educational Psychology. Inside contains theories such as Piaget's Cognitive Theory, Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development, Ivan Pavlov's conditioning, multiple intelligence and some others. However, the book isn't hilarious or engaging and it's hard to read. Also, this book tends to cover only the tip of the iceberg for certain theories.

This book also may not make you an effective teacher yet. This is an important book but there are still many other important books on teaching and communication in classroom.… (more)
Wendy_Wang | 1 other review | Sep 28, 2019 |
This is basically a textbook on Educational Psychology. Inside contains theories such as Piaget's Cognitive Theory, Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development, Ivan Pavlov's conditioning, multiple intelligence and some others. However, the book isn't hilarious or engaging and it's hard to read. Also, this book tends to cover only the tip of the iceberg for certain theories.

This book also may not make you an effective teacher yet. This is an important book but there are still many other important books on teaching and communication in classroom.… (more)
Jason.Ong.Wicky | 1 other review | Oct 9, 2018 |
Not impressed. Read the book for an Intro to Development course. It's concise. I am not sure if this would be helpful to someone who is studying for the GRE Psychology Subject or not. The class wasn't great either.
1 vote
melsmarsh | 1 other review | May 7, 2018 |
An impressively readable textbook, Life-Span Development covers all aspects of the human condition, from conception through death with comprehensive detail. For anyone longing to understand a child, adolescent, teen, midlife crisis or end of life issues, this book offers a thoughtful and helpful guide through the changes we undergo in life's journeys. Recommended reading, even when not required for coursework.
readaholic12 | Dec 25, 2007 |

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½ 3.5

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