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Edward Sapir (1884–1939)

Author of Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech

76+ Works 854 Members 6 Reviews 2 Favorited

About the Author

Edward Sapir, an American anthropologist, was one of the founders of both modern linguistics and the field of personality and culture. He wrote poetry, essays, and music, as well as scholarly works. Margaret Mead noted that "it was in the vivid, voluminous correspondence with [Edward Sapir] that show more [Ruth Benedict's] own poetic interest and capacity matured." In the field of linguistics, Sapir developed phonemic theory---the analysis of the sounds of a language according to the pattern of their distribution---and he analyzed some 10 American Indian languages. In cultural anthropology, he contributed to personality-and-culture studies by insisting that the true locus of culture is in the interactions of specific individuals and in the meanings that the participants abstract from these interactions. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Edward Sapir, age 28, Chicago, IL. Frontispiece from The collected works of Edward Sapir (1900) Volume 3

Works by Edward Sapir

Anthropologie (1971) 7 copies
Takelma texts and grammar (1990) 5 copies
Anthropologie (1971) 5 copies
Yana Dictionary (1960) 4 copies
Wishram texts (1974) 4 copies
Culture (1999) 3 copies
Ethnology (1994) 3 copies
El lenguaje 2 copies, 1 review
Navaho texts (1975) 2 copies
Yana texts (1901) 1 copy
Anthropologie (1967) 1 copy
Die Sprache 1 copy

Associated Works

Left Handed, Son of Old Man Hat: A Navajo Autobiography (1967) — Foreword, some editions — 140 copies, 2 reviews
The sex problem in modern society; an anthology (1931) — Contributor — 12 copies
Edward Sapir, appraisals of his life and work (1984) — Contributor — 3 copies


Common Knowledge



Based on Sapir's master's thesis, as I understand, this first of many rediscoveries of Herder considers the implications of his move in the Abhandlung über den Ursprung der Sprache from a position where language must have developed from cries of beasts to one where it is the innate human capacity, like the hiving of bees and the webbing of spiders, and the one that shows we were built to inhabit this world entire, in that it lets us adapt it--create new words--to come to grips with all conditions, all climes. There's a lot of "of course, he is no modern scientist"-type pooh-poohing, but it's gently done, especially by the standards of the era, and I must say that the erudite clarity of Sapir's writing puts all subsequent writers of master's theses on the same topic to shame, or me at least. Modern Philology 5(1).… (more)
MeditationesMartini | May 9, 2013 |
The origins of the Wharf-Sapir hypothesis - language creates reality, not the vice versa.
mdstarr | 3 other reviews | Sep 11, 2011 |
A classic early text. Highly influential among anthropologists and linguists
echaika | 3 other reviews | Sep 30, 2009 |
The origins of the Wharf-Sapir hypothesis - language creates reality, not the vice versa.
muir | 3 other reviews | Nov 27, 2007 |

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