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Susan Fromberg Schaeffer (1940–2011)

Author of Anya

26+ Works 1,534 Members 26 Reviews 4 Favorited

About the Author

Susan Fromberg Schaeffer is a professor at the University of Chicago.

Works by Susan Fromberg Schaeffer

Anya (1974) 288 copies, 6 reviews
The Snow Fox (2004) 254 copies, 2 reviews
The Madness of a Seduced Woman (1983) 246 copies, 6 reviews
The Autobiography of Foudini M. Cat (1998) 199 copies, 8 reviews
Buffalo Afternoon (1989) 107 copies, 1 review
Time in Its Flight (1978) 64 copies
Poison (2006) 62 copies, 1 review
Golden Rope (1996) 57 copies, 1 review
Falling (1973) 54 copies
First Nights (1993) 43 copies
Love (1980) 38 copies
The Dragons of North Chittendon (1986) 29 copies, 1 review
The Injured Party (1986) 24 copies
Mainland (1985) 22 copies

Associated Works

Cries of the Spirit: A Celebration of Women's Spirituality (2000) — Contributor — 376 copies, 2 reviews
The O. Henry Prize Stories 2006 (2006) — Contributor — 132 copies
Prize Stories 1997: The O. Henry Awards (1997) — Contributor — 101 copies, 2 reviews
American Short Fiction, Number 3, Fall 1991 (1991) — Contributor — 7 copies
Telephone 16 — Contributor — 1 copy


20th century (10) American (5) American fiction (9) animals (7) cats (36) children's (4) family (4) fantasy (11) female author (18) fiction (256) first edition (10) hardcover (17) historical (13) historical fiction (60) Holocaust (32) Holocaust survivors (5) humor (5) Japan (25) Japanese (4) Jews (5) library (5) literature (10) novel (50) own (21) paperback (4) poetry (11) Poland (10) read (22) samurai (9) Sylvia Plath (4) to-read (97) unread (11) USA (8) Vietnam (9) Vietnam War (6) war (9) wishlist (4) women (9) women writers (5) WWII (20)

Common Knowledge

Date of death
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Place of death
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Places of residence
Rockville Centre, New York, USA
University of Chicago
Schaeffer, Neil (husband)
Brooklyn College
University of Chicago
Short biography
Susan Fromberg Schaeffer was born in Brooklyn, New York. She attended South Side High School on Long Island and graduated from the University of Chicago with a bachelor's degree in 1961; she went on to earn a master's in 1963 and her Ph.D. 1966. The following year, she joined the faculty of Brooklyn College, where she met Neil Schaeffer, a fellow English professor and scholarly author. They married in 1970 and had two children. She made her debut as a novelist with the semiautobiographical Falling, published in 1973. During her career as a writer, she published 14 novels, including The Madness of a Seduced Woman (1983); a collection of short stories; six volumes of poetry; and two children’s books. She also contributed often to the New York Times Book Review and published a number of articles on writing in scholarly journals. She also wrote an unpublished memoir, Memories Like Splintered Glass: Growing Up in New York. In 2002, she returned to the University of Chicago to teach English and creative writing.



Set in fuedal Japan. It’s a meandering, contemplative yet sparsely-told story about a beautiful woman loved by two men, a noble lord and his closest trusted samurai. Half of the story is about the lives of women in the palace- secluded, pampered, and constantly vying with each other, petty cruelties that sometimes turn deadly. Further on the novel suddenly switches narrators, relating rumors and fables that you’re not sure at first have anything to do with this story, then turning to the samurai’s viewpoint. So there are councils of war, strategy planning, battles, villages of poor peasants burned to the ground with no remorse. Men wondering if anyone will recall their exploits when they are long gone, knowing their deeds become legends barely resembling the truth after just a few re-tellings. In the end, this beautiful woman has taken herself to live in seclusion up in the mountains, embittered by what she’s done in the past. The samurai finally encounters her again after what seems like a lifetime of campaigning (and a very long period spent just wandering around in the vast untamed forests with his horse and a fox he tames, when he gets tired of being a soldier). What happens next is idyllic and peaceful- for a while. But it doesn’t end happily.

I just don’t know how to tell about this book. It’s so strange and dreamy and upsetting at the same time. The people speak to each other obliquely and frequently quote poetry. They are enthralled by the beauties of nature, art and poetry, then turn around and cause terribly brutal things to happen. There’s the ravages of disease and other misfortunes- one long segment of the book is about a plague that strikes in summer, very unsettling. The characters for all their high education and artistic poise, are full of superstition and totally inept at dealing with illness or complications of childbirth. It doesn’t take much to bring them down. The feel of this story is very like The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck to me- in the sweeping breadth of its narrative and precise understatement. It also reminds me strongly of The Worm Ouroboros, one which I probably did not appreciate enough at the time. It feels very foreign in many ways, so I didn’t at all mind the mundane details about how people lived. At the same time it is deeply familiar, with all the concerns and dreams of humanity. One I’ll definitely have to revisit again, as there’s a lot I didn’t quite follow but found intriguing.
… (more)
jeane | 1 other review | Feb 17, 2023 |
I read this when I was still a teenager. I know I loved it then.
Ccyynn | 5 other reviews | Feb 15, 2022 |
A 19th century story about obsessive love between a millworker and a stonecutter. Powerful and absorbing. Brilliant writing.
Judy_Ryfinski | 5 other reviews | Jan 20, 2016 |
A 19th century story about obsessive love between a millworker and a stonecutter. Powerful and absorbing. Brilliant writing.
Judy_Ryfinski | 5 other reviews | Jan 20, 2016 |



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