Picture of author.

Robyn Schneider

Author of The Beginning of Everything

13 Works 2,502 Members 93 Reviews

About the Author

Includes the name: Violet Haberdasher


Works by Robyn Schneider

The Beginning of Everything (2013) 1,212 copies, 40 reviews
Extraordinary Means (2015) 474 copies, 24 reviews
Knightley Academy (2010) 238 copies, 12 reviews
The Other Merlin (Emry Merlin) (2021) 148 copies, 5 reviews
Invisible Ghosts (2018) 124 copies, 3 reviews
You Don't Live Here (2020) 81 copies
Better Than Yesterday (2007) 76 copies, 2 reviews
The Secret Prince: A Knightley Academy Book (2011) 64 copies, 3 reviews
The Future King (2023) 39 copies, 1 review
The Social Climber's Guide to High School (2007) 33 copies, 3 reviews
The New Camelot (2024) 10 copies


2013-gcabc (8) 2015 (13) ARC (15) audiobook (12) boarding school (21) California (14) coming of age (12) contemporary (27) contemporary fiction (9) death (12) debate (9) ebook (20) fantasy (34) fiction (69) friends (9) friendship (25) goodreads (12) grief (9) high school (23) illness (13) kidbooks (8) Kindle (13) knights (10) love (13) novel (12) orphans (10) own (11) read (14) read in 2015 (10) realistic fiction (23) relationships (12) romance (62) teen (18) to-read (316) tragedy (16) tuberculosis (12) unread (9) YA (66) young adult (104) young adult fiction (13)

Common Knowledge




"There's a difference between dead and dying. We're all dying. Some of us die for ninety years, and some of us die for nineteen. But each morning everyone on this planet wakes up one day closer to their death. Everyone. So living and dying are actually different words for the same thing, if you think about it."

This was a very very good story. I hadn't really read a lot on Tuberculosis. I knew it had been bad, taken many famous authors and that it was also called "consumption".

but I'd never ever thought of there being a new outbreak - and it reaching the children.

I mean, what do we do? What would we do? But I love that this story isn't entirely about that. It is't apocalyptic - contagion style. It's not a story SOLELY about TB. It's a story about two kids who get it and how that changes their world view. I loved this.
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Trisha_Thomas | 23 other reviews | Nov 14, 2024 |
Yet another satisfying story by Robyn. It has plenty of cheek, tense moments, action, and intrigue. The ending is satisfying for those deserving of a good one, but leaves a certain baddie in a huge pickle that might well affect everyone in whatever comes next. I will be awaiting that tale most eagerly.
sennebec | Apr 24, 2023 |
I had a feeling that this book was going to cause me immense emotions, but I still went ahead and read it. That was my mistake.

Throughout this book, there was dread hanging over my head. When the setting's a place for kids with terminal illness, one kind of has to assume that someone's going to die. But it didn't go at all how I expected.

I held out through the end of this book and closed it without shedding a single tear, but then I broke down completely and got really angry at the world. Schneider's writing was beautiful and made me contemplate life in such a gorgeous way.

The premise was at points a little contrived, but this was forgivable. I enjoyed how Lane treated the situation and what this eventually led to, and I enjoyed how it initially felt so close to the books about students at boarding school that I used to read when I was young.

The group of characters Lane eventually fell into was fun and believable. They all felt like real people, and their dynamic was playful and carefree, a complete contrast to the atmosphere that the setting provided.

Schneider knows how to capture the vitality of life and this was an example of gorgeous writing. Anyone who likes John Green will like this one, and Schneider is an author to look out for.
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whakaora | 23 other reviews | Mar 5, 2023 |
Reason Read: ROOT, Alpha S
I've had this one for awhile on overdrive as a free Audiobook Sync summer program. While the story was interesting, I had a hard time because I just do not think sanitariums for youth exist. In this story, teens are sent to Latham House in Santa Cruz to protect society from them. A young adult book, explores themes of mortality and what is important in life.
Kristelh | 23 other reviews | Jan 14, 2023 |



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