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15+ Works 471 Members 7 Reviews

About the Author

Gary E.R. Schwartz is a professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry, and surgery at the University of Arizona and director of its Human Energy Systems Laboratory. After receiving his doctorate from Harvard University and teaching there, he served as a professor of psychology and show more psychiatry at Yale University, director of the Yale Psychophysiology Center, and co-director of the Yale Behavioral Medicine Clinic. He lives in Tucson, Arizona. show less
Image credit: Photograph by Moto Photo, Tucson AZ

Works by Gary E. Schwartz

Associated Works

Handbook of Positive Psychology (2001) — Contributor — 52 copies
Cognitive Neuroscience of Emotion (Series in Affective Science) (2002) — Contributor, some editions — 21 copies


Common Knowledge




The Truth About Medium
by Gary E. Schwartz, PH.D.
With William L. Simon

This is an awesome and amazing book written in the first person by someone who has gone to every length necessary to bear out the truth about mediums, and the extraordinary ability to connect with the dead. I was fascinated beyond belief as I read each wonderful and detailed story. It was exciting to see the lengths that Gary would go to prevent anything false from coming into the session, and some of these readings were not even done in person.

There were several studies conducted by the author, testing the ability of some very exceptional people, including Allison DuBois. I plugged into this book and didn't put it done till I was finished. After seeing the TV show Medium, I became very curious about the real Allison and this book helped me to feel like I knew her a little better. The information was well presented and easy to follow. I would recommend it to anyone who is drawn to or interested in learning about the subject of mediumship, or life after death.

Love & Light,

Riki Frahmann
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biunicorn | Mar 21, 2012 |
This is a scientific study of mediums and their accuracy or lack thereof. If, like me, you are already convinced that communication with the other side is a reality, then you may find this book has too much scientific data, unnecessary discussion, etc. But it is groundbreaking that the study has been done. It will open minds not otherwise receptive to the sixth sensory world. It will give peace of mind to dyed-in-the-wool skeptics. Myself, I skipped through right to the readings, which are interspersed with the author's comments, and found them fascinating. Several mediums, one at a time, would read each sitter and the results are striking and heart warming. I bought this book used for $1 but it's absolutely worth a lot more.… (more)
Gnorma | 3 other reviews | Mar 18, 2012 |
This book is one of those books that should nail the sceptics argument once and for all. Along with other researchers in the field of parapsychology Dr Schwartz has raised the bar. The Sceptics can only do one thing and that is ignore the evidence whilst they bury their obtuse heads in the sand. This book along with the books of Dean Radin, Rupert Sheldrake and Anthony Peake blows away reductionism and the argument that the material world is all there is.

There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
William Shakespeare
… (more)
Arten60 | 3 other reviews | Apr 4, 2011 |
bluekitebeach | Jul 16, 2009 |

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