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For other authors named Robert Schwartz, see the disambiguation page.

11 Works 240 Members 19 Reviews 3 Favorited

About the Author

Robert Schwartz is a certified hypnotherapist who offers spiritual guidance and hypnotherapeutic regressions to help people understand their life plan. For more information please visit www.yoursoulsplan.com.

Works by Robert Schwartz


Common Knowledge

Canonical name
Schwartz, Robert
Dartmouth College (BA|psychology)
Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University (MBA)
Short biography
In a personal session with a medium in 2003, author Robert Schwartz was astonished to speak with nonphysical beings who knew everything about him - not just what he had done in life, but also what he had thought and felt. They told him that he had planned many of his most difficult experiences before he was born. Realizing that a knowledge of pre-birth planning would bring great healing to people and allow them to understand the deeper purpose of their life challenges, he devoted the next three years to studying the pre-birth plans of dozens of individuals. The extraordinary insights that emerged speak to our heartfelt, universal yearning to know . . . why.



This review was written for LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
I really love the idea of this book but it turned out some of the content was too much for me. I understand the writer is speaking their truth but some of the things in the book made me feel very uncomfortable.
I would recommend reading the table of contents before purchasing just to make sure you can handle some of the discussions and content.
authorjanebnight | 2 other reviews | Jan 12, 2023 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
I really love books about spirituality. Love Books that make you grow in many aspects of your life. This book emphasizes in several topics like infidelity, impotence, raising kids on your own after you lose your spouse, being single, etc... Also it projects the thought that the things that happens in one's life are already predetermined before birth like a it was some kind of a divine plan. That really struck me and I'm still figuring that out. I love that it gives you real stories from people, situations they went through and the help to deal with those situations. Some of those stories i related to and felt good about it.… (more)
Lisa8025 | 1 other review | May 2, 2022 |
This review was written for LibraryThing Member Giveaways.
This book is psychological account by writer and his clients case studies he talks infidelity, impotence, inter-dimensional relationship, being single and celibate relationship and 5 cases of five clients who have life problem and most are aged 40 plus and took them to inter-dimentional journey via hypnosis and there problem solved by souls of present relationship and past life relationship what soul decide before pre-birth and how till death plans are made and trauma of life are also challenged by him He take parenting via inter-dimensional ways how passed soul be with them and amazing twist in plots the inter-relation in past life souls and now there changed form and what character did in past life and what souls carry in the next life… (more)
kanwarpal_singh | 1 other review | Jul 7, 2021 |
Robert Schwartz presents a variety of case studies where, with the help of mediums, he helps clients explore the reasons his clients have experienced challenges in their lives. There are some underlying assumptions (based on evidence) such as reincarnation and that our souls plan the objectives to achieve in each incarnation. That doesn't mean we don't have free will and can change the "life script".

From a strictly human perspective the question arises - why would anyone plan to come into this life to experience challenges (physical handicaps, illness and drug addiction, for example). To understand the answer, one has to think more broadly from a spiritual point of view. Perhaps we live multiple lives as part of a process for spiritual evolution. Maybe we agree to experience difficulties to help other souls in their evolution.

This book helps one see life from a different perspective - from a spiritual and not solely human view.

Jim Fisher.
… (more)
Consciousness_Cafe | 11 other reviews | Dec 2, 2020 |


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