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Quentin Skinner (1)

Author of Machiavelli : a very short introduction

For other authors named Quentin Skinner, see the disambiguation page.

39+ Works 2,188 Members 18 Reviews


Works by Quentin Skinner

Machiavelli : a very short introduction (1981) 524 copies, 6 reviews
Liberty before Liberalism (1997) 199 copies, 1 review
Machiavelli and Republicanism (1990) — Editor — 42 copies
Philosophy, Politics and Society: Fourth Series (1972) — Editor; Contributor — 19 copies
States and Citizens: History, Theory, Prospects (2003) — Editor — 17 copies
Visions of politics (2002) 15 copies, 1 review
Political Discourse in Early Modern Britain (1993) — Editor — 13 copies
Machiavelli: The Prince (2000) 6 copies
La vérité et l'historien (2012) 5 copies, 1 review
Kolmas vapauden käsite (2001) 2 copies
Dell'interpretazione (2001) 2 copies
Staten og friheten (2011) 1 copy

Associated Works

The Prince (1532) — Editor, some editions — 24,973 copies, 261 reviews
Luther and Calvin on Secular Authority (1991) — Editor, some editions — 171 copies, 1 review
The State of the Language [1980] (1980) — Contributor — 82 copies, 3 reviews
Philosophy Bites Back (2012) — Contributor — 69 copies
Meaning and Context: Quentin Skinner and His Critics (1988) — some editions — 54 copies
Democracy: The Unfinished Journey, 508 BC to AD 1993 (1992) — Contributor — 50 copies
Vapaus (2018) 2 copies


Common Knowledge



Çfarë shtrihet nën reputacionin malinj që Makiaveli ka fituar si emër dhe veprim politik? A është ai vërtet i merituar? Cilat pikëpamje parashtron ai në veprat e tij kryesore në lidhje me politikën dhe moralitetin e saj? Për të kuptuar doktrinat e Makiavelit, duhet të fillojmë të zbulojmë problemet me të cilat ai u përball edhe vetë tek Princi, Diskurset dhe veprat e mendimit politik. Për të fituar këtë këndvështrim, duhet të rindërtojmë kontekstin në të cilin këto vepra u shkruan fillimisht – kontekstin intelektual të filozofisë klasike dhe të Rilindjes, si dhe kontekstin politik të jetës së qytet-shtetit italian në fillimet e shekullit XVI. Pasi ta kemi rivendosur Makiavelin në botën ku u formuan idetë e tij, mund të fillojmë të vlerësojmë origjinalitetin e sulmit të tij mbi hamendësimet mbizotëruese morale të epokës si edhe arsyen pse ky emër është ende aq i përdorursa herë që çështjet e pushtetit dhe udhëheqësitë politike vihen në diskutim.… (more)
BibliotekaFeniks | 5 other reviews | Nov 18, 2020 |
A decent introduction into Machiavelli that contextualises his political ideas. A slight overuse of superfluous language that does not seem needed in order to explain the subject.
Neal_Anderson | 5 other reviews | Mar 16, 2020 |
In a coordinate system where Page Count (P) is plotted on the horizontal axis and Interestingness (I) on the vertical axis, I would characterize this book with the function I(P) = exp(P-250). The first 250 pages of the book discuss the political thought of the Lutheran reformation and the Catholic counter-reformation. This is to some extent an interesting subject, but these debates took place almost exclusively in the realm of theology. The author dissects a great number of arguments from both sides in admirable detail, but I could not personally summon much interest in thinkers whose thought relied so heavily on biblical grounds. The contrast to the author's first volume on the political thought of the Renaissance is conspicuous - the Bible did not figure nearly as frequently in the debates presented there.

But it is worthwhile to persevere through the religious exegesis because this book becomes considerably more interesting towards the end. This is precisely because there the author sets out to analyze the momentous shift away from religious political debates toward secular and rational ones. He does this by analyzing the historical context of the Huguenot revolution in France, where protestants had to argue for their right to resist the monarchy in general terms in order to seek support for their cause across religious divides. The discussion becomes exponentially more interesting when it reaches the predecessors of John Locke, who in fact were much numerous than I could have imagined before reading this book. The book concludes with a brief discussion of the emergence of the concept of a "state", which nicely encapsulates its most important teachings.
… (more)
thcson | 3 other reviews | Jan 5, 2017 |


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