Author picture

Phil Sloman

Author of Broken on the Inside

5+ Works 9 Members 2 Reviews

Works by Phil Sloman

Broken on the Inside (2018) 3 copies, 1 review
Becoming David (2016) 2 copies, 1 review
The Woods (PentAnth) (2019) — Editor; Contributor — 2 copies
Les Vacances 1 copy
Under The Weather (2018) — Author — 1 copy

Associated Works

The Alchemy Press Book of Horrors (2018) — Composer — 4 copies, 1 review
Holding On By Our Fingertips (2018) — Contributor — 3 copies
Dark and Stormy Nights (2020) — Contributor — 3 copies
In Darkness, Delight: Fear the Future (2021) — Contributor — 2 copies
In Dog We Trust (2018) — Contributor — 1 copy


Common Knowledge




BROKEN ON THE INSIDE is not only the title, but also the theme of this book. Containing 5 short tales, each featuring a person in distress, I couldn't help but feel for them all, in one way or another.

BROKEN ON THE INSIDE- the title story, starred a woman who's had enough of her mother. So much so that it's making her physically sick. When a doctor tells her he can cure her with nanotechnology she jumps on the chance. But just like her mother said, it wasn't all that easy. (Why are mothers always right? It's enough to drive one crazy.)

DISCOMFORT FOOD This tale is about another young woman, this one working at a fast food burger joint. One night her manager goes a little too far in his harassment of her and she is forced to react. Never again will dinner time be the same.

THE MAN WHO FED THE FOXES is a sad narrative about a lonely man who has let his beautiful garden go to pot. When a group of foxes take up living in his abandoned paradise, he begins to feed them a special diet, and they bring him unusual gifts in return.

THERE WAS AN OLD MAN In this tale John Hinklow is a gentlemen rather obsessed with having swallowed a fly. Rightfully so, it turns out.

VIRTUALLY FAMOUS was a weird little story about a man named Chet who became addicted to a game-The Game. In it, players can opt to be Chet, (the star), , or to be other people in the story-line. But what happens when the main player begins playing himself? In the end it becomes difficult to determine who was the real Chet and which was the Chet in the game. Whether it be gaming or drugs, addictions are dangerous.

These stories were all heavy hitters and combined, make up this powerful narrative as a whole. I enjoyed it as entertaining storytelling on one level, but it also caused me to think deeply about life as we know it and how we go about living that life. Every single person in this book had problems-addictions and obsessions. They were broken on the inside. This led me to thinking about the people I know and even myself. Aren't we all BROKEN ON THE INSIDE in one way or another?

Highly recommended for fans of extremely well written dark fiction!

*I received an e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. This is it.*
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Charrlygirl | Mar 22, 2020 |
Becoming David is the story of Richard, serial killer extraordinaire.

Richard is a respectable man, with a great job, a beautiful home and his own gym in the basement. Which is also where he likes to drag his victims and carve the fine fillets with which he fills his freezer.

When Richard _targets David and does his usual thing with the body, he thinks no more of it... until David starts speaking to him. And peering back at him from the mirror.

This was a fun, psychological novella that messed with my head. The tension and atmosphere built throughout and the ending went in a direction that surprised me. I love when that happens! (Another little surprise I noted, with pleasure, was the nod to the Hyde Hotel.)

I've not read anything from Mr. Sloman before, but hey-sign me up! Because if this is the type of story he's offering up on a regular basis, I want in!

Highly recommended to fans of psychological horror, served up with some liver, fava beans and a nice Chianti!)

You can find your copy here: Becoming David

*Thanks to the publisher/author for the free e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. This is it.*
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Charrlygirl | Mar 22, 2020 |


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