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A. E. Stallings

Author of Hapax: Poems

9+ Works 328 Members 10 Reviews 2 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the name: Alicia Stallings

Works by A. E. Stallings

Hapax: Poems (2006) 84 copies, 3 reviews
Like: Poems (2018) 64 copies, 2 reviews
Archaic Smile: Poems (1999) 61 copies, 3 reviews
Olives: Poems (2012) 54 copies, 1 review
The Battle between the Frogs and the Mice: A Tiny Homeric Epic (2019) — Translator — 27 copies, 1 review
This Afterlife (2022) 3 copies
Aftershocks (2003) 1 copy
The Quack Dentist (2017) 1 copy

Associated Works

On the Nature of Things (0054) — Translator, some editions — 5,437 copies, 48 reviews
Works and Days (1978) — Translator, some editions — 402 copies, 3 reviews
The Best American Poetry 2000 (2000) — Contributor — 216 copies
The Best American Poetry 1994 (1994) — Contributor — 175 copies, 1 review
The Best American Poetry 2016 (2016) — Contributor — 102 copies, 4 reviews
The Best American Poetry 2017 (2017) — Contributor — 101 copies, 1 review
The Best American Poetry 2015 (2015) — Contributor — 101 copies, 3 reviews
The Best American Poetry 2018 (2018) — Contributor — 84 copies, 1 review
The Best American Poetry 2019 (2019) — Contributor — 60 copies, 2 reviews
Orpheus and Company: Contemporary Poems on Greek Mythology (1999) — Contributor — 49 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge



But you will find no other lands, no other seas discover.
This city will pursue you. The same streets, you will follow.
You will grow old among the neighborhoods that you know now.
Among the same houses, you will turn grey. Forever
You are coming to this city. Do not expect another.
For you there is no ship. There is no road for you.
For as you've wrecked your life in this small corner, so too
You have wrecked your life the whole world over.
drbrand | 2 other reviews | Dec 20, 2021 |
I appreciate Stallings' combination of modern-day experiences sprinkled with the fantastical elements of classic literature and mythology. It is an incredible unique poetic style and so clearly owned by Stallings. Stallings is able to subtly instill why the classics are still relevant to the human experience today and keep them alive, which is very important in today's technological age and constant forgetting of the ideals that transformed art into what it is today.

However, I struggled to feel connected to the emotions told through the poems. The subjects felt far away and impersonal, despite my longing to truly grasp what was being said. I will give benefit to the doubt and say that could be in part to my current life experience and being a twenty-something single woman with no children. I would love to re-read this later in life and see if my thoughts and personal attachment to the book changes.

I enjoy Stallings' voice, but this book personally was not my favorite. I would like to read some of her other volumes and get a better feel for her as a poet.
… (more)
sammers99 | 1 other review | Jan 14, 2021 |
Like the title, Like plays with words, poetic forms; it compares ancient and modern cultures through myths (old and new)--all with the subtle mastery of a mature poet. A E Stallings is, I must admit, my favorite contemporary poet, bar none. I have followed her publications and Like lives up to its forebears. Highly recommended.
kleinaben | 1 other review | Jun 3, 2020 |
A E Stallings is my absolute favorite contemporary poet. Her poetry embraces (and modifies) poetic form and structure as well as all the other resources of the genre while revealing a very human, all too vulnerable sensibility. These poems are accessible, even playful, yet they reward exploration of their subtleties. Stallings often draws upon the Classics to sing to and about, albeit with a knowing contemporary voice. Her poems collapse millennia in shared wisdom and expand a gesture to infinity, all the while maintaining their human source and voice. Highly recommended.… (more)
kleinaben | Jun 2, 2020 |



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