Daniel Stern (disambiguation)
"Daniel Stern" is composed of at least 6 distinct authors, divided by their works.
About the Author
Author Division
Daniel Stern (1)
Rediscoveries: Informal Essays in Which Well-Known Novelists Rediscover Neglected Works of Fiction by One of Their… (1971) — Contributor — 27 copies
Daniel Stern (unknown)
Kdo je Mr. Bean? 1 copy
Proč zemřela Diana 1 copy
The Sandlot / The Sandlot 2 / Everyone's Hero / Rookie of the Year (Quad Feature Video) (2015) — Director — 1 copy
Dilbert 1 copy
Common Knowledge
- Disambiguation notice
- 1) Daniel Stern (1928–2007), the Cullen Distinguished Professor of English at the University of Houston Creative Writing Program, who wrote numerous novels and short story collections;
2) The pen name of historian Marie Catherine Sophie de Flavigny, comtesse d'Agoult (1805-1876) -- see separate LT entry;
3) Daniel N. Stern, M.D. (see separate LT entry), a major contributor to modern psychoanalytic developmental theory.
4) Stern, Daniel (Daniel Brewster) A haven in the heart of Chapel Hill
5) Stern, Daniel 1957- Rookie of the Year
6) Stern, Daniel. Swingland