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John R. W. Stott (1921–2011)

Author of Basic Christianity

315+ Works 42,191 Members 164 Reviews 45 Favorited

About the Author

John R. W. Stott (1921-2011) has been known worldwide as a preacher, evangelist, and communicator of Scripture. For many years he served as rector of All Souls Church in London, where he carried out an effective urban pastoral ministry. A leader among evangelicals in Britain, the United States, and show more around the world, Stott was a principal framer of the landmark Lausanne Covenant (1974). Stott's many books, including Basic Christianity and The Cross of Christ, have sold millions of copies. In the Bible Speaks Today series, for which he served as New Testament editor, he wrote eight volumes, including The Message of Acts and The Message of Ephesians. show less
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Works by John R. W. Stott

Basic Christianity (1965) 4,364 copies, 16 reviews
The Cross of Christ (1986) 3,454 copies, 17 reviews
The Message of Acts (1990) 1,635 copies, 7 reviews
The Message of Ephesians (Bible Speaks Today) (1979) 1,621 copies, 5 reviews
The Message of Galatians (Bible Speaks Today) (1968) 1,246 copies, 4 reviews
Understanding the Bible (1972) 1,119 copies, 4 reviews
Christian Mission in the Modern World (1975) 736 copies, 1 review
The Incomparable Christ (2001) 619 copies, 5 reviews
Why I Am a Christian (2003) 598 copies, 3 reviews
Issues Facing Christians Today (1984) — Author — 563 copies, 5 reviews
Men Made New: An Exposition of Romans 5-8 (1966) 443 copies, 1 review
Favorite Psalms (1988) 350 copies
I Believe in Preaching (1982) 332 copies, 1 review
Authentic Christianity (1995) 206 copies, 2 reviews
The Birds Our Teachers (1999) 192 copies, 1 review
Balanced Christianity (1975) 159 copies
Your Confirmation (1974) 144 copies
Authentic Jesus (1985) 124 copies
Focus on Christ (1979) 107 copies
Being a Christian (1950) 104 copies
God's Book for God's People (1982) 103 copies
The Authority of the Bible (1972) 87 copies, 1 review
The Challenge of Preaching (2011) 82 copies
Biblical preaching today (2001) 75 copies
Christ the Liberator (1971) 66 copies, 1 review
Year 2000 (1983) 45 copies
The Bible: Book for Today (1905) 44 copies
The Disciple (God's Word for Today) (2019) 39 copies, 1 review
The Gospel (God's Word for Today) (2019) 29 copies, 1 review
The Bible Speaks Today New Testament (2007) 27 copies, 1 review
The World (God's Word for Today) (2019) 26 copies, 1 review
God's Word for Today's World (2015) 23 copies, 1 review
Divorce (1972) 22 copies
Fundamentalism and evangelism (1959) 18 copies, 1 review
The Bible (God's Word for Today) (2019) 18 copies, 1 review
Abortion (1985) 13 copies
Free to be Different (1984) 13 copies
Meaning of Evangelism (1964) 12 copies
Personal Evangelism (1986) 11 copies
Senales de una Iglesia Viva (1997) 10 copies
Decide for Peace (1986) 10 copies, 1 review
Local church evangelism (1990) 9 copies
Involvement (1985) 9 copies
Crer E Tambem Pensar (2012) 9 copies, 1 review
Igreja Autentica, A (1905) 8 copies
Cristianismo Equilibrado (2017) 8 copies
Handling Problems of Peace and War (1988) — Author — 7 copies
Culture & the Bible (1979) 7 copies
Romans 5-8 (2018) 3 copies
The purpose of the Bible (1974) 3 copies
Authority and Joy (2021) 2 copies
Onder die glimlag van God (1979) 2 copies
ENTENDA A BIBLIA (2005) 2 copies
Preaching for Today (1959) 2 copies
Bible Studies Volume 1 (1998) 2 copies
Die große Einladung (2004) 2 copies
A Reforma (2017) 2 copies
Revelations 1 copy
Ristiusu alused (1993) 1 copy
Efesliler'in Mesaji (2012) 1 copy
God on the Gallows 1 copy, 1 review
John Stott Speaks out 1 copy, 1 review
Az Efezusi levél (1994) 1 copy
Radikální učedník (2021) 1 copy
Les Epitres de Jean (1985) 1 copy
Iepazīsim Bībeli (1995) 1 copy

Associated Works

The Message of Genesis 12-50 (1986) — Editor, some editions — 429 copies, 2 reviews
Belief: Readings on the Reason for Faith (2010) — Contributor — 147 copies, 2 reviews
All the Animals of the Bible Lands (1970) — Foreword, some editions — 145 copies
Building a Home Full of Grace (2003) — Foreword — 27 copies


2 Timothy (114) Acts (208) Apologetics (279) Atonement (120) Bible (338) Bible Commentary (197) Bible Speaks Today (119) Bible Study (400) Biblical Studies (247) BST (198) Christian (438) Christian living (680) Christianity (545) Christology (228) church (131) Commentaries (318) Commentary (1,417) Discipleship (210) Doctrine (163) Ephesians (184) Evangelism (197) Galatians (154) Holy Spirit (183) Jesus (135) Logos (230) Matthew (164) Missions (136) New Testament (914) non-fiction (213) NT (185) NT Commentaries (122) NT Commentary (265) Preaching (456) reference (126) religion (224) Romans (245) Sermon on the Mount (233) Stott (146) Theology (1,315) to-read (242)

Common Knowledge



In this book John expands on Martin Luther's exhortation from the Sermon on the Mount: Let the little birds be your theologians'. Lessons on faith from the feeding of ravens, on repentance from migration of storks, on freedom from the flight of the eagle , and joy from the the song of the lark.. This is his personal photographic account of his 70th Birthday trip to the Falkland Islands.
ImmanuelPPLibrary | Dec 6, 2024 |
ThoringtonHassell | May 31, 2024 |
Nothing is more important than hearing, understanding and obeying God’s Word. Our lives and local churches depend on this for their life, health and growth. John Stott is well known worldwide for the commitment he had to the Bible, both in his preaching and in his living. In this persuasive book, Stott concisely demonstrates the power, authority and relevance of the Bible for every Christian—in every culture and generation.

What is the purpose of God’s Word?
How does it point us to Christ?
What is its relationship to the Holy Spirit?
How does it shape the church?
And what does it mean for Christian discipleship?

The author answers these questions with simplicity and clarity, urging us to hear and obey God’s Word in today’s world.
… (more)
Rawderson_Rangel | May 2, 2024 |
Most excellent and concise definition of these two key words of the christian faith : fundamentalism and evangelism. Stott defines what they are, and what they are not.
PGOOLD | Mar 6, 2024 |



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